Gun Collecting software


New member
Hi all , can anyone recommend some gun collecting software , my sticky notes are getting out of hand , any suggestions would be appreciated...............LOUD


New member
I use the Gun Log app on my iPhone. Keeps track of everything including maintenance, accessories, pictures, range sessions, in addition to the basic info on the gun like SN, where you bought it, value, condition, etc. . You can distinguish between current collection and sold guns. It's a whopping $.99.


Active member
I use this really old program called "Word". I simply write a few lines about what I paid, description and why I bought it; and I update current values from time to time.


New member
i use an excel spreadsheet. strongly recommend printing and storing in a safe place in case of computer crash though... just in case the IRS needs that info for your next audit (sorry, i couldn't resist)

seriously though, i keep a spreadsheet to include when procured, from where, caliber, model, serial number, amount paid, approximate worth, and any additional notes (like an attached scope). one of these days i'll get more organized and take pictures and cross reference them.


New member
Like Tom...

Excel. Do my own design for headings and information to be recorded. I use Excel for my handloading information as well.


New member
If I had money to spend on software for gun collecting, I wouldn't have any money for the software because it would have been spent on training, guns, or ammunition.