Gun Cleaning Websites


New member
I did a search on gun cleaning on TFL and I got a lot of good info. I am looking for websites that break down into basics what's needed to do in order to clean semi-autos and revolvers, real basic. Sites with pictures or drawings of the parts of the guns, the names of the parts and how to clean them.

The instruction manuals which came with my guns are pretty straight-forward and I am sure I can get a lot of feedback at the pistol club where I belong, but I like to do my homework. Sometimes in learning, I learn new things which I can bring into the club as well.

Any sites you can point me to? Thanks.



New member

(Overcome with laughter) clean your gun? Research? Oh me oh my for why?

Okay, fun over.......

(Some barrelmakers recommend, if shooting lead bullets, NOT CLEANING bore.)

BreakFree CLP, TetraGrease, Gun-Scrubber, toothbrush (NOT METAL), KleenBore lead-wipe cloth, Bore-WSnake, elbow grease.........

But not too often; more damage and wear caused by constant dismantling and reassembly.


New member
Maybe we could get eBay to change format??

How to clean guns, pots, collectibles, cars, antiques, jewelry, tools,............;)


New member
You guys are brutal ! Maybe Neveragain is a new shooter. Don't you remember being a new shooter well enough to remember you wanted new information like a sponge ?

N/A, try a google search with a string like "cleaning maintaining 1911A1". A lot of what you find will apply to any gun.


New member
Thanks jhunnetaz!

Although I'm not a new shooter and I have my own method of cleaning my guns, I like reading how other people do things because you never know, someone might actually be doing something better! (Not likely, I know :D ).

The other thing is that when I'm tempted to try some product, another guy's experience may save me some money.

NeverAgain, keep asking questions and don't be deterred by people who laugh at them. There are no stupid questions, only stupid people (because they didn't ask questions...)


New member
Mission Accomplished

Yes, I am pretty new and I am thirsty for info. Thanks for the slack Archer1440. The ribbing was kinda funny, though.

The websites suggested by jhunnetaz and SK did the trick.

As always appreciate the hand up new guys given on this forum. Hope one day I will be able to contribute as well.

Be safe, be well and shoot well.



New member
Links posted by jhunnetaz:

The first one describes using strands from a stainless steel pot scrubber on the bore. He wrote something like "it'll make short work of the bore". Yikes! I'll bet it does! Any manual I have ever seen on cleaning the bore specifically recommends AGAINST stainless steel or similar metals being used to clean the bore.

Any thoughts?


New member

"7. Stainless steel pot scrubbing sponge (not steel wool). ...."

He is refering to the scrubbing sponge for cleaning stainless steel pots. NOT a "stainless steel" scrubber.

did that make sense???.... or did i just confuse you more??... sorry :D