Gun cleaning, anal or no....


New member
I go out today and fire 100 rounds through a SA XD-45, home loaded and home cast lead/tin/antimony bullets (92/4/4). I know I'll be shooting it again tomorrow, about the same but STILL I feel the need to completely clean it tonight.
Does everyone do this? Or am I too anal about it, would all be fine if I fired it a couple days in a row WITHOUT cleaning?
Seems I can't rest UNLESS I've cleaned it, but it would be easier not to sometimes.
Thanks! Steve W.


New member
I always clean mine when I get home. My dad taught me to bring the gun in the house and let it sit for at least an hour during cold weather so it warms up.

If I knew for certain I was going to shoot the next day I would probably not clean it unless it was so dirty it may cause problems.

Chuck M

New member
I will start by saying I don't load my own ammo. I have shot my pistols back to back days. I do clean my 1911's after every shoot, but I can't say the same for my glocks, M&Ps, and wheel guns. I've shot some pretty dirty stuff through them. I have had one or two malfunctions when the rd count got into the 300 area on the second day, after a 1st day of 250rds. I believe it was an ammo related problem though.

Quite honestly when I do that to my weapons I'm testing to see if the weapon (worst case) will perform under those conditions. I figure I own them so I might as wel find out what there limitations are. When it's over however I take spend about 2hrs conducting a full cleaning.

The 1911s on the other hand are different. If I fire 50rds (which is rare) it gets a cleaning the moment I get home.


New member
This comes up a lot.

I have been shooting 60 plus years. I have seen many guns fail due to poor/improper cleaning and lubrication. I have never seen a gun fail due to proper cleaning and lubrication.


New member
I was also wondering about this too. The other day I shot 50 rounds through my gun and just cleaned the barrel up good. I didn't field strip it because it was just field stripped and very well oiled not long before. How about often do you guys OIL your guns? Surely not after every time out do you? It seems to me like that would be a little much, but I'm new to all this so what do I know...


New member
I clean guns I don't shoot as well. I like to keep all of mine spotless...

My girlfriends dad never cleans his guns, like NEVER. Then one day he says to me, "do you think you can look at my AR and tell me why it's not ejecting properly?" The bolt was almost stuck in the carrier from all the carbon fouling. "I think I found the problem!" He has 4 G19s that he has never, not once, cleaned. They all run 100% with thousands of rounds through them and he always asks me why I clean mine... Drives me nuts to even look at his:eek:


New member
If I shoot mine, I clean them. Now if it was just a few rounds and I was shooting again the next day I would likely wait till after my next range session. 100 rounds, yeah I'd clean it even if I were shooting the the next day.


New member
I clean & inspect all of my guns at least twice a year. It gives me a chance to appreciate each one of them and keep them looking like new.

I was shooting my Remington 582 last week and one of the other guys at the range asked me what I was shooting. When I told him he asked if they just started selling them and I laughed. I told him the gun was 42 years old and he could not believe it.


New member
I clean my carry gun once a week!!! I always clean my guns.... If I even need one of them I want it to go boom!! Scariest sound ever is when you expect a boom and you hear "click"!:eek:


New member
The military ingrained in me to keep my weapon clean at all times. If I came back from a range and didn't clean my firearm I'd feel like I did something wrong.


New member
Anything I carry I clean pretty much after every trip, at least wipe down the feed ramp and other internals. Range guns once a month. That said, I only shoot FMJ at the range and they don't get very dirty. Also most of my guns are SIGs at the moment. If they can't function after my once a week range session something is very wrong.


New member
I don't clean mine after every session. Sometimes I clean one just cuz I feel like it but I have some that only get an external wipe down once in awhile.

Paul K

New member
I am very anal about my guns. I want them so clean you could eat off of it. Shooting the gun and letting it stay dirty overnight would drive me nuts. The only time I'd do that is if it's one of my main guns (like my EDC, or main rifle). The rest, I'm not sure... They have bore snakes for a reason! Lol.