Gun books


New member
I recently moved into an apartment after living in the fraternity house for the last four years and finally got enough book cases to display all of my books.

At first, I was quite proud of my "gun section", which included a lot of well known greats, such as a "Rifleman Went to War" and "Fast and Fancy Revovler Shooting" and the like, but then I got to thinking, does displaying my "gun" books mark me for theft? Or negative law enforcment interaction? (like when a cop shows up to issue a noise citation)

Or am I being too paranoid?


New member
My Security Company provided me with a general security audit about a year ago and one thing he pointed out was having gun magazines and catalogues tossed about the great room. He recommend putting them away when service people come to your house, also he said to place the old ones in the general trash as opposed to the recycle bin. I guess this makes sense and have basically followed his recommendation.

However, I have a few firearms related books and they are on a book shelf in my office area. I guess I feel like some basic steps are ok, but I’m not going to get so paranoid that I feel every firearms related item needs to be locked away.