Gun ban


New member
Im just wondering if they did propose a gun ban, and it got passed. How long would it take for them to come up with the law,pass it, and put it in to action?


New member
it would never happen. too many people with guns who would go out in droves to vote any would be legislation down.


New member
Oh it could happen,,,

Too many people with guns who would go out in droves to vote any would be legislation down.

But, the problem there is the legislation will be passed,,,
Long before the voters get their turn.

Our representative legislators do not have to ask us before they pass a law,,,
All we as voters can do then is try and get enough names on a petition for a referendum vote.

This is not an easy thing to do,,,
It takes a lot of time and is often not successful.

And as a person who was around when it happened,,,
No one believed the Gun Control Act of 1968 was going to pass,,,
Posts 2, 3, and 4 are examples of statements I heard back at that time.

Don't be complacent about your 2nd amendment rights,,,
They can be legislated away in a heartbeat.

Does kalifornia come to anyone's mind?

Always remember that your elected officials can enact any law they want,,,
It does not have to meet any "constitutionality test" before it is enacted into law,,,
Your (our) recourse is again that long and slow petition to get enough signatures to challenge it.

Then they appeal!

No my friends,,,
It can happen and will happen again,,,
If too many people believe it won't happen again.



New member
In the present, I think you won't see any new gun legislation. Heck, I saw a Gallop poll the other day that pointed out Americans are more pro-gun today than in the late 1950's or 60's.

However, we need to think about the future. The best thing you can do to prevent new legislation is introduce someone new to guns, especially a young person or a female. Show them the ropes and let them have a good, safe time doing it. The more shooters there are, the more gun owners, the more guns owners, the less chance any new legislation will pass.


New member
With the other debates going on (such as health care) I doubt it will be of any major interest. If it does come in to debate it won't be for some time probably.

Honestly, its not something I'd worry about. That said, it always helps to follow the event and write your congressman, etc.


New member
I agree that it's not very likely to happen any time soon, especially with
Republicans now in power in the House. But, nothing's impossible. Also, the
Supreme Court is only ONE liberal justice away from changing the balance of power there. Should some gun control law actually be passed and then is challenged and goes to the SC, the then liberal court would surely uphold it.
Heck, I saw a Gallop poll the other day that pointed out Americans are more pro-gun today than in the late 1950's or 60's.
It's hard to say. Gun rights weren't as big of an issue at that point. There weren't as many restrictions, and the issue wasn't really on the radar. It wasn't until the latter half of the 1960's that gun violence became a political issue.

Your primary point is correct, however. Americans are keenly interested in the debate, and seem to be very supportive of the 2A. It was a surprisingly big issue in the 2010 mid-terms, especially in light of the fact that there were no new restrictions being proposed.

The trick is to keep that in the popular consciousness.


Active member
Let me put it this way: I'm not running out and buying any more large capacity guns or magazines anytime soon.

Occasionally, I will see these "BETTER BUY HI-CAP MAGS AND GUNS NOW...." posts on other boards, and I'd bet 100-to-1 that they are by folks who have inventories of hi-cap mags and guns to sell. You dealers out there, don't get all bent on this - I'm not saying all or even most of you do this, but some of you surely do.
Occasionally, I will see these "BETTER BUY HI-CAP MAGS AND GUNS NOW...." posts on other boards, and I'd bet 100-to-1 that they are by folks who have inventories of hi-cap mags and guns to sell.
Most of it happens at the gun shows. Many folks who are new to the hobby don't know any better, and that's their first stop.

That's where bare-bones Bushmaster AR-15's were selling for $2500 in the weeks following the 2008 election. One online dealer had a banner at the top of their site advertising standard-capacity Glock magazines, claiming that "these will be the first thing banned."

As far as brick-and-mortar dealers, I didn't see as much. For the most part, they have to be competitive, and word-of-mouth spreads fast, so if there was any of that, it didn't last long.


Active member
Tom, I agree with everything you said.

The one thing I might add is that I did get caught off guard a few times by previous gun bans - specifically the '89 import ban and the '86 machinegun ban. In '86 I was probably too young to get a CLEO to sign off for a machine gun anyway, but I had no idea about what actually happened until sometime in the 1990's.

However, in 1989, I do remember rushing out to buy an AK. And, it turns out that I got one of the last few Polytech AK's that could be had for about $400 at that time. The wood on the guns hadn't even been finished from the factory, probably in a rush to ship them out (I should have left it that way). No folding AK's to be found anywhere, and I wasn't yet going to gunshows. The internet obviously did not exist, so I got what I got from the one gun shop in the Pinellas-Hillsborough county area that had a couple of AK's left.

So, I do sympathize with folks - it's not always easy to tell when you really need to buy what you want, and when it's just a bunch of hype and smoke.

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
Previous gun bans were before Heller and McDonald, not to mention the numerous pending 2A cases.

In the past, I would have said "Never say never". With current conditions, it's NOT going to happen. No way.


New member
There will be no gun ban but say goodbye to all those gun magazines that extend past the bottom of the gun grip.

Also,say goodbye to any rifle mags that are over ten rounds capacity.

And say goodbye to those eastern block and oriental manufactured drum magazines.

The emphasis will be on denying any more sicko's enough firepower to kill so many people without having to reload.

The reloading of the gun giving anyone near the gunman time to stop him.

Not a gun ban but a gun capacity limit.


New member
quote from movie

" The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist. And like that, poof. He's gone."

And now we have the gun grabbers with their greatest trick, they have all the gun people convinced that they won't ban all our guns.


New member
I live in Tucson and our Gov. Brewer has several new gun laws that are going to be implemented. They are all pro gun bills, we don't have to be concerned in this state. She is responsible for our laws that have made it legal to use our weapons when ever we think it to be necessary even if the perp doesn't have a weapon but refuses to cease their threatening approach. We can also conceal without a permit. We cab carry into an establishment that serves alcohol if we are not drinking. I could go on and on as to all the pro gun work she has been accomplishing for Arizona's citizens. She isn't affraid to face off with the other side on any issue.