Gun Auction search errors?

Anyone else having a problem with Gun Auction's search?

On the home page I type "Colt New Service" into the search bar at the top and limit the search to handguns for sale.

It pushes back a scrambled search parameters page that tells me I'm searching for Colt Service (it drops NEW) in Factory New Handguns.

Nothing I do will get me around that.


New member
I'm not getting any scrambled pages, but it tells me that their are no auctions that meet the criteria of "colt new service" handguns or otherwise.
Well, this is what I get when I try to do the search I described.

It drops NEW as a search parameter entirely. I've tried several browsers and several computers...


  • error.jpg
    70.8 KB · Views: 15


New member
hmm. you are right. I didn't notice it the first time. Must've read it too fast before closing the window and placed the new in there in my mind.

You might want to see if you can contact their web admin for info on the search software they use and your issue if you have not done so already.