Gummed up RCBS chargemaster


New member
I left some Power Pistol in the chargemaster and it is now stuck pretty well in the inside of the chargemaster. Anyone know how to get this clean?


New member
Some powders have a solvent effect to their nature. It allows the granuals to eat into the plastic that the measure is made out of. They get stuck pretty tight to the hopper.

Same thing happened to my pact dispensor. Can't remember which powder did it to me, but I had to really clean for a long time to get it all out. The hopper is still stippled from the after effects of that mistake. Now I always empty it as soon as I'm done.


New member
Well it's above 90 degrees F now and the humidity has been high in typically dry Dallas area.

I left the PP in for a couple of days. It was encrusted to the surfaces.

I scraped as much as I could with a small paintbrush. The plastic surfaces are ruined, but I was able to use it. I all of it out but the surfaces are no longer smooth and they are stained, making it more difficult to determine if I emptied all the powder out.

Lessons learned.