Guided hunts out west


New member
I've been hunting in Georgia my whole life, and don't intend to ever move. My wife, mom, and sister all like to travel to Europe, which leaves me planning huntin trips for me, dad, and brother. What are good areas to look for outfitters for game like mountain goat, sheep, mule deer, elk, etc out in the western states? We're not exactly running Coca Cola, but we would want a quality experience. Any input would be much appreciated.

Ron Ankeny

New member

Wyoming is still pretty poor for deer and antelope. If you hunt deer make it around the Hoback. Antelope are making a come back around Medicine Bow and Casper. Elk hunting is good state wide as is moose.

Jay Baker

New member
Check for outfitters in Idaho. There's plenty of good hunting here.

But always make a point to very carefully check references from outfitters in any state you choose to hunt.
