guide rod replacement?


New member
Any advantages in replacing the plastic guide rod in a new Smith and Wesson m910s with a metal one?
*possibly a stainless steel one?


New member
You wont' melt it... if you're into that whole "shoot it until something melts" thing like I was for awhile.

Seriously though, I like metal guide rods even in my plastic guns... all my glocks have them.


New member
No not worried about "melting it", at my age I'm well beyond that kid stuff.:D
I'm more interested if the accuracy/reliability would be better with a metal guide rod then a plastic one? :confused:


New member
Guide rod

Does the guide rod do anything more than keep the spring in line? I don't think the material affects performance except the weight issue.


New member
I'm more interested if the accuracy/reliability would be better with a metal guide rod then a plastic one?

It won't improve your accuracy at all.

You could make a case that a metal one would be durable, thus, more reliable, but I haven't worried about it on the ones I have.

Enjoy the less weight. It will make it that much more comfortable to carry.