Guide rod laser worked 100%

My new Lasermax guide rod laser worked fantastic. Not one misfire or hicup. I hit everywhere I aimed at 25 & 50 feet and shot over 100 rounds. has it still for $199 for G43 & G42.

Had 2 Certified NRA Instructors next to me who watched the whole thing. I then asked them to both shoot the 43. It blew them away(SORRY). They loved the laser slide activation. It was a snap. It works 100% so I'll use it for home night protection. Even have a pic of me shooting a regular soda paper straw in half hanging vertically at 25 feet & DID NOT USE THE LASER to do so. After I shot the straw in half, the NRA Instructor came over and said" Welcome to our Club". I made new friends.
I can send the pic to anyone who wants it. Still can't figure out how to post it on TFL.

Last thought. This post was not for me to brag!!! I wrote this for all the rank beginners like myself who are slightly terrified to do anything to any of our guns. Ask all the people on this Forum for their great advice and then make up your own minds as to what you want to do or add to your pistols or revolvers. I have been wanting to do this for a long time and finally got the nerve to try to do it.
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New member
I had it on my Glock 26 and I hated it. The wider take down bar for activation made holster choice very limited. It could also be easily activated accidentally, killing the battery. The other thing is the guide rod is very close to the barrel. Mine dimmed considerably due to burnt gasses clouding up the front lens. I know that most firefights only last a few rounds, but I prefer the Crimson Trace lasers that go on the trigger guard. Activation is pretty much automatic since the switch is on the grip. I'm glad it works for you, but I certainly would not recommend it due to the reasons I mentioned above.
Not sure about fixing the take down bar. Mine doesn't do it. I drew and holstered my 43 quite abit to see if it would accidently go on. IT did not. Also, I am not comfortable with the CT Laser Grips.
As for the carbon residue. Try a mixture of water & alcohol. Use a Q-tip so you don't soak the laser tip. That should work.


New member
To each his or her own I guess. I guess that is why the market for guns and accessories is so big! :)

Thanks for the tip on cleaning. I took it out of my Glock 26 already. I probably could have sold it.