Guess the Gun Game


New member
What's this?


No following the link.

Hunter Rose

New member

Ok, I'll admit it... I caught a little bit of the link when it was loading (but not all of it). Looks to me like a Minimi, but something tells me it's not. So... what is it?


New member

I do believe it is an IMI weapon, just not sure of the name dang it! I believe it is one that can be configured into different roles, aka squad automatic weapon, individually operated combat rifle etc. kinda like an HK G36 I believe it is.

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
IMI Negev... a light machine gun that is being used by the IDF. This isnt any future gun - its IN SERVICE. 5.56MM. The thing is a redesign of the FN... so there are similarities. However they have made a lot of improvements.