Guess I'm a Drug Dealer Too.


New member
We're all criminals. If you disagree, you're uninformed.

Today, I broke the speed limit by a few miles an hour on every road I traveled. I rolled through several stop signs. They're every 5 feet & I don't have the patience. I illegally worked on my car in the driveway and sprayed toxic spray on my hands, car and in the air. Yep, I'm a criminal. I make no excuses.

Tonight, I was shopping at the grocery . I bought some wine & salmon. Trying to live a little longer.
I was putting away my cash (stuff of the Bourgeois, Entrepreneur, and drug dealers), when the guy in line behind me started getting hassled by the clerk. She said a new law forbade him from buying more than a couple packages of cold medicine! He had about 4, one of each different type for his kids who have colds.

I grabbed the Sudafed from her hands and stepped behind him. He handed me cash & I bought it for him. Here I am a 41 yr old doing an illegal drug buy for the other 35-45 yr old Dad in the grocery

Send in the jack booted thugs to get me. I'm waiting. Think I'll have another glass of wine while I wait.


New member
You ... you ... you ... ANARCHIST! :D


It is the fundamental theory of all the more recent American law...that the average citizen is half-witted, and hence not to be trusted to either his own devices or his own thoughts. -- H.L. Mencken


New member
Brian Wilson read it over the air tonight as well.

If I wasn't such a reasonable guy and so tired, I'd get very pissed off. Guess it's good I'm tired as neither the clerk or customer looked at me as though I was crazy.


New member
"There's no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. When there aren't enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. ... Create a nation of law-breakers, and then you cash in on the guilt."

-Ayn Rand "Atlas Shrugged"


New member
After Atlas, I scanned all the best passages. I bought Fountainhead and am about done with it. I rented the FH movie. Bought it on ebay. I bought most every one of her books and read many of them.

Ayn's character seemed to get "hot" over greatness. I too almost found myself feeling the same in the face of her greatness while reading Atlas.

I also really liked her "Anthem".

I'm kind of like her Roark in FH... It can make for troubles... People don't like it when you are confident, capable, etc. They would rather try and chop off your legs than raise themselves up.

John G

New member
Here's one...

At grocery stores around here, the policy is to ID everyone puchasing alcohol, or accompanying the purchaser of alcohol. So, if you're 23, and your friend/girlfriend/wife is not, no beer for you. Of course, this doesn't seem to apply to non-college aged folks with kids. Aaah, double standards. Gotta love 'em.


New member
The 7-11 near me is now carding everyone buying beer. I found out about it when my neighbor came home laughing.
He's 80.



New member
Some cold meds have dextromethorophan which causes euphoria, disorientation and hallucinations. Some also contain pseudo-ephedrine, which mimics the effects of speed. All of which happens when the user takes the meds in doses far greater than


New member
Also, several of the over-the-counter cold remedies can be used as feedstock for the manufacture of methamphetamine...

Baron Holbach

New member
guilt and innocence in American society

American society, its rules, and laws more and more assume one is guilty until he or she can prove their innocence.

Christopher II

New member
A lot of people think that, but if I remember correctly, cold meds refine into pure pseudoephedrine, not meth. Handy for giving yourself a heart attack at age 30. :D

Keep up the good work, Matt!

- Chris


New member
Screw the Robitussin, pass the Nyquil! :D

Silly law. And teachers aren't allowed to give a student a Tylenol for a simple headache anymore. Sigh.

I know of an old guy who sniffs PVC cleaner to get high. Yeech! The smell of that stuff is enough to kill several small animals within a 50 foot radius!

Ed Brunner

New member
It could be ...

that some folks use the stuff to make crystal meth. If so catch the bad guys, but don't make my life difficult to aid enforcement.


New member

"Please tell me why the limit on cold meds."

Some kids are buying multiple packs of certain medicines and taking something on the order of 12-24 pills at one time in order to get some sort of high. They seem to be using them when they are unable to get other kinds of drugs.

More of a commentary on the need/desire of some kids to get high than an actual scare of an overdose but i suppose that the latter is possible.