Guard at "Muslim Free" Prepper store "Accidentally" shoots self.


New member
Ugh, great. We could merge this with the other thread on "Bad Publicity". The hits keep coming. I know this was accidental... but most modern design handguns will pass a drop test. plus, was the "chest holster" servicable or appropriate for the type of firearm?

I guess stuff like this allows us to learn from other's mistakes, but I for one would surely prefer for less of this sort of thing to occur. Unintentional? almost certainly. Preventable? Most likely so.


New member
Doesn't matter that criminals do this all the time. But, any time a legal gun owner does this, it will be national news.

It does look like some idiotic shenanigans were taking place at that store if you take the report at face value.

Of course LEOs using terms like assault rifle doesn't help.
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New member
RodTheWrench said:
The thing I don't understand is what kind of gun was this guy carrying that would "go off" when it hit the ground?

"Went off when it hit the ground" is gun-owner code-speak. When deciphered, it means "I pulled the trigger when showing my gun to my buddy Bubba".

Frank Ettin

rickyrick said:
Doesn't matter that criminals do this all the time. But, any time a legal gun owner does this, it will be national news....
Do criminal really do it all the time? Evidence?

In any case, as legal gun owners we tend to claim that we are responsible gun owners. This sort of thing (and the public lands incident) does call responsibility into question.


New member
Well I meant shoot guns all the time. Local news everyday of gang shootings, but very few recieve national attention.

Also reports I've seen locally of persons illegally in possession of a gun having accidental shootings.

I made an assumption that this person could legally posses a firearm merely on the fact that this has national attention.
Yeah, it fell and just went off. Sorry, but I've heard that one too many times to believe it any more.

This is getting to be a problem, though. A few weeks back, one of these "citizen patrol" guards had an ND with an AR-15 while "guarding" a naval recruitment center.

The whole idea is utterly ludicrous to begin with, and these safety violations are nothing but fodder for an anti-gun movement that wants to paint us as buffoons. In fact, this was already making the rounds in the mainstream news earlier today.


New member
First a malfunction with the holster and then possibly a malfunction with the handgun.

It does cause one to wonder about the source of the true malfunction. ;)


New member
I'm surprised the store owner allows employees to handle their personal guns except in case of emergency. They're loaded, the ones in the displays aren't.

Baba Louie

New member
I read that the man was not there to guard but a family friend of owners who carries his hand gun in a shoulder holster. He was fixing a door, bent over, pistol dropped, hit floor, bang!, shot thru his wrist, owner did first aid.

Lessons to learn from this perhaps...

1. gear, have good gear that retains firearm properly.
2. weapon, drop test pass/fail much?
3. FIRST AID... how many here know GSW first aid?
4. No good deed goes unpunished (levity)