GSSF Loads

Rob Pincus

New member
Blasers. That is what I get from the Glock boys when I attend them.

No reloads, they won't let you shoot them, because you shouldn't shoot them in Glocks.

I have seen a lot of UMC at the matches too.

I'm sure that a few of the unlimited class guys are using some "perfect" load, but most of the poeple at GSSF matches are just having a good time with their Glocks and getting a good competition experience while hanging around with other Glockatisti.

Matt K

New member
Actually, you can shoot reloads at a GSSF match I have done it at their matches for years. While I go to GSSF matches to have fun, I also go to win and I shoot in both regular civilian class and unlimited.

Matt K

Rob Pincus

New member
Really? That's odd, I specifically heard someone told not to at the Kentucky Match earlier this year.

Were you at the Annual Shoot this year? I am anxiously awaiting the results....

Matt K

New member
I wasent there but I go to all the west coast matches. If you have a jam or other type of failure with reloads they wont give you a reshoot but if you use factory stuff they usually will. Thats the only drawback I ever encountered with reloads at their matches before.

Matt K

Rob Pincus

New member
now that you mention that it does sound familar. Maybe that was my bad and they were just "recommending" not to use reloads.

Of course, I hate reloads for competition, on principle.
If it was up to me, everyone would use the same G17/Sig226/HKUSP/Beretta92/SW4506/COLT1911/Whatever and load it with UMC. Then we could really see where we all stand.
I know that is totally impractical, but I passionately dislike the extreme opposite: race guns that will only cycle if they are surgically clean and are loaded with (usually light)custom reloads that are more precisely controlled than a shuttle launch.

Rob Pincus

New member
I like to see how people react to malfunctions...

Walter Mitty

New member
When using reloads two most visible mistakes include SQUIBS and OVERCHARGING. Overcharges are obvious. In the heat of competition, after a squib, one may instinctively attempt a TRB....ergo, yikes. Though my squib count in 20 yrs of reloading is less than 10, nonetheless, it can still result in a big owe-ee. When loading for IDPA, I visually inspect each round before topping off with a bullet. At GSSF, I will now only shoot Blazers....espec since I can't scrounge brass.

Tony N

Staff Alumnus
Ahh Hahhh!!!
I figured you be sneeking around here somewheres. ;-)
"Walter" here can attest to the fact that if you jam with reloads they won't give you a reshoot.
I jammed last GSSF match with Blazers and they gave me a reshoot.