GSG MP5 replica .22 rifle


New member
Has anyone fired one of these before? I was looking for a .22 plinker, and saw it among other replicas, (AKs, M16s, etc.) and thought it was so cool! .22 shooting is a lot cheaper than getting .223 or 7.62 ammo, or 9mm for that matter. As a gun to shoot just for target practice, is it as good as it looks?


New member
I've had mine for a few years. It's the old style that mimics the MP5 pretty closely, the newer lmodels are changed a bit cosmetically to get around a lawsuit the HK filed.

Range Report:
My GSG is quite accurate, but by no means a tack-driver. Better groups are 2-3" at 50yds. It is the most finicky .22 I own in regards to accuracy and reliability. If fed good quality, high velocity fodder it perfroms nicely, but cheap out on the ammo and it will make you curse all day long.

I use mine mainly for plinking and run and gun courses. Overall, I'm pretty happy with it, it's cool looking, runs well, and is fun to shoot.

If you're looking into getting one of the old style models, make sure it has had the ejector plate upgrade. Look into the ejection port and yuo will see a silver plate. If that late is held in by copper rivets, then you are good to go. If you see black screws, then it needs the upgrade. I sent mine in and ATI and they did the upgrade for free.

Hope this info helps


New member
I enjoyed mine. Glad I had it before the lawsuit. The new version looks meh.


But a lot of the GSG owners have been impressed by the HK licensed Umarex MP-5 .22 clones...


New member
I would avoid. I had one and the previous poster who stated its "not a tack driver" is correct. I bought one because it had the "cool factor" but it honestly felt like a toy. Alot of plastic and the rear sight really sucked (sorry). I traded mine in and bought a savage mark II and some ammo, and it was the best swap out i've ever done. Its a wanna be gun...if you want an evil gun, but a real one (ak or ar), but I would buy a bolt action .22 thats a real shooter before i would buy this. Just my .02.


New member
I really enjoy mine. It does prefer good high velocity ammo and the chamber can get fouled-up after about 300 rounds (of cheap ammo) but a quick shot of CLP and wipe with a rag keeps it going fine. I recommend them. Another black-rifle lookalike that is nice is the Sig 522. The S&W M&P-15/22 is good to but doesn't feel like a real AR to me.


New member
I have the pre-HK law suit version too.
Not a tack driver (didn't expect it to be with that barrel having the thickness of a drinking straw) but didn't get it to be one.
It does wreck havoc at the silhouette section at my local range. And my kids love the thing. And the iron sights on it are the one's my kids shoot the best with.
There is more to it than others come time to strip and clean but so does my HK-91/SAR 9. It won't "spread 'em" like an AR.
Another reason I got is it's because it doesn't feel like a toy. Metal boy/receiver. Unlike the AR 22s out there that are 99% plastic.

With so many out there was hoping a barrel upgrade would become available.


New member
You can get a kit to upgrade back to the original for $20 at CDNN.

I installed the kit but haven't shot it yet. Most of it is neither steel nor aluminum, but an alloy of some kind. That may not be unusual for these tactical .22's, I don't know.

Everyone says good things about the S&W .22 and I'd like to get a look at a Sig 522.


New member
I've shot a buddys, abd I thought it was a blast to shoot...that said reloading the 22 round mag is tedious and it had issues shooting anything that wasn't high velocity ammo

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I have a gen 1 GSG PK. I also bought a drum magazine because the gun shot so well and feeds flawlessly I spent more time reloading the magazines. I only use cci mini mag 22LR ammo on all my semi auto 22's. No regrets.



I just bought the latest version, the GSG-522, this past weekend, and soon
as I got it home, the wife tells me that its her gun, now! :) We havent had
a chance to shoot it yet, but will probably shoot it this weekend. By the
way, mine has the new 110 round drum.


New member
GSG-5 pro's and cons

I have one, pre H&K law suit as well, added a claw mount and an Aimpoint scope. with the Aimpoint it is close to a tack driver, but everyone who has shot mine, all start out slow and within a few seconds are going as fast as the rifle will go, which is fast :D

The weapon only likes the high velocity/hyper velocity ammo, anything else and it is a jam-o-matic. almost every jam can be traced back to the ammo. The others I have observed are when holding the rifle by the magazine instead of hold it via the front for grip.

Accuracy at 10 - 25 yards a 2" group is within reason, and that would be off shoulder and rapid fire. I have been able to change my aiming point from the Aimpoint scope to the little bit if the iron site that I can still see through the scope for 100 yard targets and still hit the target.

Are you going to find 22 rifles more accurate, I am sure you will. The standard magazine holds 22 rounds of 22 long rifle, so not bad for capacity.

Overall I have not had many weapons that are just a blast to shoot like the GSG-5 is, No Pun intended. My setup looks just like the setup in the Wikipedia link.