grip saftey


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Looking at getting the wife into a pistol. Looking for pistols other than 1911's that offer grip saftey. Have decided on 40 SW..


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Springfield XD and XDM models. awesome guns with awesome warranty and customer service!! you sure the .40 wont be a little hefty for the wife to handle? the XD subcompact would prolly be perfect


New member
Yes im sure she can handle a 40 with ease. I have explained to her the kick and how much it gets exagerated from people. My main question is im looking for a gun that has a grip saftey. I don't want a mis-fire or mistake. I would like to stay with a 4" or shorter barrel, Also in a 40 or a 45, I do not want a 9MM as i put no faith in them (personnel opinion here).


New member
About the only options I'm aware of are the Springfield XD. I won't buy one because they have the useless grip safety.

If you are concerned about an accidental discharge then buy a gun with a real safety.

A misfire is when you pull the trigger and the gun does not fire.


New member
I would suggest that "mistakes" happen generally because of a lack of training. If you're concerned about "mistakes" then maybe she doesn't need an auto loader at all. Maybe she would be best served with a revolver.


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Have her go to a range and rent some .40's. I shot both an xd and a glock and liked the glock better, you also want one that fits her hand. the best safety is not pulling the trigger.


New member
If you are concerned about an accidental discharge then buy a gun with a real safety

Im open to all suggestions?.Ideas are great and helpfull


New member
is she going to carry it? there was a s&w compact in the trading forum for a great price yesterday.

glock and xd are the two I have fired and for me the glock felt better. You want to fit it to her hand more than anything so i recommend trying out as many as possible. I would feel comfy buying glock, xd, s&w, and czusa in .40 if the xd feels good, that has a beavertail safety and the others don't.

the s&w, glock, and xd all offer pistols with a hinged trigger to make them "drop safe."


New member
Ya i took her out today and had her grab anything that turned her head,Had her hold it and see how it felt to her. I told her she will know when the right one comes along because it will fit your hand like it is supposed to be there. Till then we keep looking. She askes me just what i think and i tell her it is what you want and whta feels right in your hand not mine. My wife is thin and very fit,but very much capablr of handeling a gun. Not a wimp by any means. Very new to guns as we all were at one time. She looked at some HD,Kimbers,Berretta's. The shorter barrel ones seem to turn her on more than the big ones. 1911's were on the heavy side for her. PS--- I love pistol shopping even if it's not for me..


New member
is she going to carry it? there was a s&w compact in the trading forum for a great price yesterday

At this point in time i doubt it.I think it will be for home use only for now, Hopefully that will change. We only had time to hit one store today,but she is really intrested and we have 5 more stores in our area we can go too. How do glocks do in the weight dept?. are they heavy or not to bad?.

So…hard….to not….disagree……but….to……each…their……..own
Thanks GoldenState for leaving it at that. I will check out the springers also.

I would suggest that "mistakes" happen generally because of a lack of training. If you're concerned about "mistakes" then maybe she doesn't need an auto loader at all. Maybe she would be best served with a revolver.

I did mention revolver and got a no right away. I want to make sure she gets what she wants so she will enjoy it and i will have a shooting buddy to go to he range with and will rest easier when im gone and she is home alone

Have her go to a range and rent some .40's-- I wish we had some of those ranges around here,but we don't. Great idea though.

I am going to load some 165's or 185's in my 45 and have her take a shot or two and see what she thinks too. She has already mentioned taking classes and all too.


New member
The XD is your only option for a grip safety besides the 1911 (well, and the HK P7 if you count the squeeze cocker as a kind of grip safety -- but a 40 cal P7 will cost you as much as a custom shop 40 cal 1911 or more).

Jake Balam

New member
An xd or xdm subcompact would be a good choice. I have smaller hands and the grip fits me better then the glock. You can find them fairly cheap and they are reliable as all Hell. I have the 4" service model in .45acp for my daily carry.


New member
Well people i lost out.She got her hands on a HDM in a 9MM tonight and it was love at first grab. Oh well it's what she want sooo that is what she will get. I must admitt it is one very nice pistol.:D She also wants the laser for sure too.


New member
I know you wanted her to get a .40, but you know the popular saying, "I wouldn't want to get hit with it".
The 9mm will serve her well. Now you have to buy 9mil dies......:p


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I guess i wanted to buy a 40. I really want he to get what she wanted,i just wanted it to be a 40(selfish me). As soon as she grabbed it she just smiled and said this is the one. she said it fit her hand better than all the others,so being it is going to be her gun:( I will have to get it for her. She was having some issues racking the slide on the 40's i don't know if there is that much difference in the 9MM ,but she will learn. She went from not caring to have to have one in one year.. Maybe some of me is rubbing off on her:D I have a new,best shooting buddy now:D:D