Grip conversion question


New member
My buddy has an 1860 Army by Pietta he will sell me for 150.00, that I would love to convert into a snuby. I would like to change the grip to a birdshead. Is this possible? Would I have to look for a Pietta version? I see VTI has the Uberti for 172.00 !!!!! Its part number 11, which I think is only the wood. If thats the case, the whole assembly would be 300 dollars? Are there any other options? Thank you. Kevin.

Rawg the Huug

New member
Yes, you can use Uberti parts on Pietta revolvers, though some fitting may be in order. I install Uberti square-back trigger guards on my Pietta 'Navies'; they don't line up perfectly (enough to get the screws in place, but there will appear to be 'overflow', for lack of a better word; this can be filed smooth).

I myself have the same project in mind (albeit on an 1861 Navy), an attempt to copy a pistol made by Millington I saw in a book by Dennis Adler. I've not found a grip assembly on its' own, they do cost around $300 & include the wood grip...from Taylor's & Co, anyway.

I'm considering buying a Sheriff's Model 1873 & changing the grip for a standard Peacemaker grip...I want a Peacemaker anyway & figure it'll save me a few dollars.

The conversion kit I'm using, BTW, is a Kirst kit...a miserable waste of money in my opinion: the pin which fastens the loading gate works it's way loose in very short order as you use it, & will block the rotation of the cylinder as the base of the cartridge hits the loose gate. I'm sure this is fixable, but I've not sorted out how & in the meantime I'm frustrated. For the money spent on a kit, they ought not have that problem.