Greetings - from the old days

way back when TFL and we were younger - some may recall "El Chimango", alive and well here in Argentina. Our hunting season is not open yet - May - and these last years, been restricted to a couple of months. We have an unsympathetic guv'mint too --- but we keep going! Hasta pronto!


New member
Welcome back, and happy hunting to you. Our hunting season has wound down here up north of the equator, but it sounds like your's is just getting started. Have fun! :D


New member
Welcome..It is good to hear from a fellow hunter from another country. Hunters are like brothers and it does not matter where you are from. What do you start hunting in May? Any deer in your neck of the woods?


New member
Welcome back;

But why didn't you sign in with your old name?
It must still be listed as i looked back at some of your previous post.

Fat White Boy

New member
Argentina has Red Stag, puma, lots of ducks and doves. Can't remember about gallinaceous types(quail, chukar, partridge, pheasant). Not sure about boar...
We've got most of the game (except bear and moose) up your way... Dove in huge quantities, deer, antelope, ducks and geese, and my own preferences: wild boar/feral pigs - and a variety of 'partridges' (actually tinamú - The first - a Winchester (New) Model 70 with Swarowski 4x in 308 that shoots very nicely and my favourite, a Marlin Guide Gun 45/70 - for the for legged; a Beretta 20 ga side-by-side for the winged ones. Puma are restricted and endagered... hare and foxes of course, and a very local rodent called vizcacha - tunnels like gophers but good night-shooting (usually shotgun) and good eating - a lot more that I'll think of sooner or later.

My old name? had forgotten how I had written it as well as the password and was too lazy to look for it - this will do as it should be recognizable by some of the Old Timers here - Rich (of course - and I never sent congrats on SWAT... now'll have to do) , Art, Gary, Fal, skeeter, I've noticed so far...
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