Greetings from Arizona..


New member
..where it's cold in the winter and HOT in the summer. But hey, it's a dry heat.

I've been using firearms since summer of 1957 during basic training exercises at Fort Knox, Kentucky. Shooting ammo boxes and boxes and boxes of 30.06 in a worn out M1 Grand, while the red ants crawled over me. Didn't need no eye protection and no hearing protection in those days, 'cause we didn't have any!

For the past 30 some years I've held CCW permits in several Pennsylvania counties and more recently in Arizona. I worked at a maximum security state correctional facility in Pennsylvania for 20 years where we had to weapons qualify each year.

My favorite CCW side arms are .45, 9mm and "J" frame .38sp. Home defense is a 18.5" barrel shotgun with #4 shot.

I thought I would jump in here and say how much I enjoy reading this forum for it's wealth of information on various topics.

So, please carry on.....!


New member
Welcome aboard

TFL is a great place, and there's lots of great info here if you search the archives.

I'm partial to my .38 for SD/HD, but that's just me. I've also got another 10-or-so firearms (rangeing from .22 to 12-gauge) near by. That's enough for me.


New member
20 years in corrections? Hmmm, ADC will pay for experiance, if you wanna go back...

No thank you, thanks, but no thanks!!! 20 years of constant stress is enough for one life time. Enduring a full blown inmate riot, dozens of exercise yard fights and housing unit brawls, inaddition to supervising a level five RHU damn near killed me. I've already turned down job offers from California Department of Corrections and from ADC. What good are piles of money if you're not around to spend it??? Uh, did I say no thanks for the offer?

At my age, I just wanna' ride my motorcycles, tour the southwest states, drink some beer, shoot guns and chase women....;)


New member
It doesn't get THAT cold. That's one of the big reasons I'm moving to there from the land of stupid frigid winters, and stupid anti-gunlaws. Maybe the cold makes people dumber, I don't know. Sure makes them drive worse.


New member
Welcome GW!

Don't know where you are located at in AZ, but down in my neck of AZ it is a very nice climate and not hot in the summer and very mild in the winter.

Anyway, you might also want to check out for more local info, but there are several of us on both TFL and AZshooting .

The guys on AZshooting put together formal and informal shoots from time to time and some local gun dealers offer AZshooting specials there as well.

Once again welcome to the firingline and if you join look me up under the same user name.
