Greetings from a new member


New member
I didn't know where to post this, i hope here is ok, I'm new here but not new to firearms, I'm an avid shooter and collector. I'm a member of several other firearms forums online, Lifetime NRA member, Member of the VCDL, I work part time as a range officer since being medically retired from a local shipyard. I've enjoyed reading your forum very much for the last few weeks and decided to join up. Currently living in southeastern Va, but will be moving to Northeastern NC next year summer. Well, there's my introduction :)


New member

From the sound of your into, you'll fit right in.
All new members do have to send me a free M-1 Garand though, it's the rules;) :D


New member
Welcome to TFL. From the tone of your introduction, I'm sure you'll find friends here. The moderators are also great people.


New member
Welcome to TFL Trey. IMO you've definitely come to one of the best, if not the best forum out there. Tons of valuable info here and most of the posters are great people. I've learned alot from posters and moderators here in my few months. Once again, welcome. :)


New member
Thanks everyone for the warm welcome! I'm looking forward to participating in the discussions when I can. Ya'll really seem like a great bunch of shooters here, good to see a common interest shared by so many. Thanks again for the welcome.