Greetings from a new member...


New member
Hello, group. I didn't see a "New Member" area, so I hope this is the right place for introductions. I know some of your members' usernames from 1911forum and other forums, and I hope my arrival here doesn't precipitate an exodus, en masse. :rolleyes: After being more into longarms all my life, I just recently got into sidearms last December, right around Christmas, when I learned that a man was shot to death (once in the chest, once in the back as he fled) by his "boyfriend," just five houses down from me. A little further down the street, is the zoo, the stomping grounds of our city's semi-famous former serial killer, known as the Zoo Man. I just saw on the news night-before-last that we live less than a quarter mile from our city's hottest shooting death zone, which they showed on the map as a large red splotch, like a big blood stain. We will be moving as soon as possible, but my wife has to drive by the house where that man was killed, on her way to the grocery, everyday. Also, as a locksmith, even after we move, I will have to work in that area regularly. My family is now a pro-carry family. I have my Handgun Carry Permit, and my wife will have hers soon. I hope to learn much from your forum's members, and will pass on anything I learn, that may seem useful and non-redundant. Thanks to all in advance, for your hospitality.

God Bless,


New member
Hi, Tamara! Good to see you here as well.

Gary, I'm a proud citizen of Knox Vegas, TN.

Thanks, all, for the welcoming.


New member
Wow, small world... Thanks again for the kind welcome, everyone. Funny to find so many "Knox-villains" in one place. KSFreeman, I'm sure you did hear about the Zoo Man, or maybe saw him on the news, while you were here in April. He was finally convicted in Chattanooga, after a mistrial here in Knoxville in 1999. Anyway, that's another story. Thanks again, all. Looks like a great forum.