Green Terrorists Apparently Ready to Take up Arms


New member
An Earth Liberation Front (ELF) faction has claimed responsibility for torching a US Forest Service research lab in Pennsylvania in August. I have friends at this facility and have spent some time there, and very little of their work is related to timber cutting. Most interestingly, about half-way thru the story there's a line about ELF no longer hesitating to use firearms among their tactics (which include bombs and arson). The Left always seems willing to take up arms to accomplish by force what they cannot through legislative or legal means.


New member
treeprof, socialism is based on violence. It is no surprise that socialists act upon the foundations of their belief system.

Talk to TFLers in the hairy-chested square states. Watermelons have long been doing things such as shooting cattle and vandalism for some time now.


New member
Liv Tyler played an Elf, I like those Elves.:p

ELF is a sad organization, that needs to be squashed. They are no better than Osama's bunch, just domestic, mainly.


New member
Fear not, fair posters! The FBI is on the case!:p Hoo Hah!

Burned the lab down? Rogue (what a concept) ATF agents? :eek:

Jamie Young

New member
If they use guns......I wonder if they'll be using synthetic stocks instead of wood. They wouldn't want to use guns that were made from "dead trees" now would they?:rolleyes:

Fred Hansen

New member
Maybe I should put a sign out in front of my house indicating that it is a forestry/animal testing facility. I would be happy to have a bunch of armed enviro-nazis stop by.

Just God's inimitable way of thinning the herd.:D


New member
An Earth Liberation Front (ELF) faction has claimed responsibility for torching a US Forest Service research lab in Pennsylvania in August

Gee... I wonder if they realize that a large fire burning various materials.. IE: platics, rubber etc is very harmful to the environment?? Can anyone say HYPOCRITE???


New member
If F Troop was involved all of the workers in the lab would have died in the blaze - either burned or shoot escaping.(Wasn't this an FBI MO too?)
MP Freeman - do you mean to say that F-troop routinely burns down buildings?:eek: Aha! Job justification. I understand now.


New member
Does anyone think that these people are actually going to have even a modicum of proficiency with their firearms?


New member
Does anyone think that these people are actually going to have even a modicum of proficiency with their firearms?

Unfortunately yes, if history teaches us anything. They will learn how to use them and use them well - just look at the snot-nosed Italian and German disgruntled city slickers and how proficient they became after forming the Red Brigades and Baader-Meinhof. This in relatively unarmed societies.

I wouldn't discount the possibility of ELF seeking training from international terrorists, that's been the pattern in fact.


New member
Pen, yes, of course. The watermelons are not baggy pants, gold-chained gangbangers shooting their weapons sideways while flicking their arms as they see on movies.

Look at their training manuals. They stress marksmanship as part of their campaign against loggers, ranchers and business.

The problem for them is finding the socialists with the guts to carry out their agenda. Most of their "activism" involves sitting in a tree or a lack of bathing and shaving.


New member
KSFreeman - What the heck is a watermelon?

As for the enviro-pricks - it sound like it might be time to load up a super-soaker with some lead based paints and have at them. Maybe I can find a couple of mercury batteries to throw their way as well. Anyone want to join me?


New member
Iam, when the "Peace Movement" broke apart at the socialist victory in Vietnam, the radicals had to bring their "Long March through the institutions." The environmental movement was a handy Trojan horse to destroy America. Environmentalists do not care about saving the lives of bunnies and trwees; they only ending the life of America.

I recommend "Destructive Generation" by David Horowitz.

Silver Bullet

New member
There's also a reference to this in the new U.S. News & World Report , dated September 23, 2002, on page 10 ("Not Santa's ELFs").

I read a story recently about someone who used to be active in one of the environmental groups. He was reporting to the group leaders about how certain recent immigrants to the United States were trashing the national parks by not cleaning up after themselves (a California school teacher I know told me the same thing). Instead of commending the guy for reporting environmental abuse, he was chastised for being a racist.

In other words, they didn't really care about environmentalism, they were just another front for the socialists. By pretending a noble cause, they can get lots of donations from millions of well-meaning but misinformed citizens.

I'm not saying all environmental groups are like this, but it would be good to know which groups are sincere and actually doing some good, and which are the people who want to de-Americanize us for their own ambitions.

Watch out for soy bullets.


New member
Isnt it permissible in most states to shoot anyone committing arson against an occupied, and possibly an unoccupied, building?
