Greater Gun-Rights Threat from Bush than Gore!

Jeff Thomas

New member
Interesting perspective from Alan Korwin at - he makes some good points. As usual, we won't be able to let our guard down.

----- Original Message -----
From: Alan Korwin <>
Sent: Friday, December 08, 2000 11:25 AM
Subject: Gun Law Update + more


If Al Gore takes the White House, especially at this late date, his anti-rights proposals for gun owners will meet the stiffest opposition imaginable. The likelihood of new anti-rights laws in that atmosphere will be near zero, as grassroots become mobilized in a way we have never before seen.

However, if Bush wins, enormous pressure will be brought to make him seem moderate, a healer, a coalition builder. Such compromise will usher in all sorts of "reasonable" gun-rights infringements. Many may get the backing of gun-rights organizations that ought to know better. And attempts to push through laws that ENHANCE your rights and infuriate the anti-rights bigots -- like repealing national carry restrictions -- will be dismissed.

Virginia witnessed this in the worst way. Under a democratic Attorney General, every suggestion of infringement was resisted and defeated. When the Republicans took over that office however, practically every gun plan was embraced as moderate and reasonable, significantly increasing the state's restrictive laws <snip>.

It is critical that you let your membership groups know, in no uncertain terms, that falsely labeled "gun-safety" laws which strip your rights are unacceptable. A so-called "good" law, if it incrementally infringes your rights, must be defeated and its supporters brought to disgrace and censure.

My hope would be that Dick Cheney, Condoleeza Rice and others on Bush's team would help see to it that GW keeps his perspective. We'll see, on all counts.

Regards from AZ

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Well, that's one fella's viewpoint.

I think it's incorrect that Bush would have to appear as a "Moderate". That very concept is Democratic Party elitist propaganda, just in itself. In a way, it's a fallback position, no matter how hard they push it, early on...

Dubya's advisors are smart enough to know that without us, he'd have zero chance at a second term. That needs to be brought out early on, and I think the NRA lobbyists will do just that very thing.

Gore would just as happily use Executive Orders as get legislation passed. Think about *that* little item.



New member
We are getting a first hand look at the power our courts have. Algore picking Supreme Court Justices is simply not an option. Enough said.


Jeff Thomas

New member
I hear you ...

I don't disagree that Gore is the greatest threat. I do believe that Alan is concerned because of what he has seen happen elsewhere, and his counsel of caution is wise, IMHO.

Now, the interesting challenge will be what kind of Supreme Court Justices GW could get approved in this split Congress.

Regards from AZ


New member
All I can tell you Jeff, is that if Gore is elected, congress passing gun laws will be the least of your worries. AlGor has learned from the evil master, Bill Clinton. He will pass executive orders that will make the BATF look like the Gestapo. He will executive order away your right to bear arms by forcing the S&W agreement on all gun manufacturers. His SC justices will have the same interpretation of the second amendment as he has. They will hear the Emerson case and will rule definitively that we DON'T have a right to personal firearms ownership. Believe me, congress passing gun laws will be the least of your worries in an AlGor administration.


New member
Gore will not wait for congressional action to harass pro-2's. He will simply issue an EO and sicc the BATF on legal, legitimate and law-abiding FFL holders (sorta like Reno has already done).

Bush (if and when he makes it to the WH) will have been through unmitigated hell courtesy of democrat fascists. He will be in no mood to play footsey with these people. Remember Chaney's history: voted against cop-killer bullets because there was no such think and he knew it, second, voted against the "assault weapons" ban because of what it really meant.

NO, the biggest danger pro-2's face is spinelessrepublicans in congress and particularly in the senate cutting deals with democrats to forward "reasonable" gun legislation. Keep all over the spinelessrepublicans because that is where the danger lies.


New member
Some weeks back I posted the same thought. It's possible that Bush, in order to get any of his agenda through congress, will have to compromise more than he thought he would. And that may include areas like gun control. For his presidency to be at all successful, he may see the need to moderate his positions. I'm hoping that he doesn't.

It wasn't the "mushy middle" that worked tirelessly for him. It was an energized conservative base. If he, and the Republicans, turn on that base the party's going to have real problems in 2002 and 2004.

Sad to say, but Bush--if he wins--is in a tight spot.

Want to send a message to Bush? Sign the petition at and forward the link to every gun owner you know.