Great Wolff springs CS


New member
Just a comment about an excellent customer service experience I have had from Wolff. I had emailed them about a spring set that they don't make at this time to inquire if they have considered offering one. ( I prefer to keep the make of gun to myself at this time; don't ask.) I subsequently received an email from Vice-president John Andrews who politely told me they're thinking about it, would keep my email on file and inform me if the set becomes a regular product.

I wrote back and told him about some experimentation I've been doing using a modified spring made by one of their competitors. John then replied he would sent me FOR FREE a spring that Wolff sells as a regular product that I could modify to see if it would work for my purposes.

I don't know about you but I consider that out-standing customer service, especially considering I'm not really acting as a customer in this instance.

Buy Wolff!