Great shooting day


New member
Had a great day shooting with my dad. He's 83 and still can shoot well. Took all his handguns out and ran some rounds through them all, then topped it off letting him blast several mags through the Thompson!!!! Take a day and enjoy their presence before its too late.


New member
I came to the forum just now contemplating putting up a posting exactly like this - then I found this. :)

What a great hobby we partake in. I went to the range today with my son and a very good friend. Got off a couple hundred rounds through the Buck Mark, probably close to 150 rnds of 9mm through the Hi Power, and 50 rnds through the S&W Mod 14. Pop cans were flyin'. Spinners were spinnin'. What a ball. I've reached my Nirvana when it comes to pistols. They all fill a certain niche and we just sort of meandered among the different models loading 'em up and letting 'em fly.

The other posters are so right: Enjoy it while you can. While I love going out with my son, I wish my son could have experienced shooting with my dad.
