Great range day


New member
Went to the club range to shoot the AR's with a buddy. We heard a bunch of shooting over at the pistol bays. It ended up being Ken Hackathorn having a private 1911 training course. After they were done and everybody picked up what brass they wanted and left my buddy and I went over to see if there was any brass left. We picked up around 2400 45 auto cases. My buddy doesn't shoot 45 so I got them all. The good news is they will be there again tomorrow, and so will we. :D


New member
Get any shooting done? ;) Watch out for those small primers. :mad: I'm headed to the range tomorrow, one day wasted working around the house is enough for this weekend.:D
Have a great day @ the range tomorrow, my friend!


New member
Ain`t it great, 2400 is a big score, about the same where I shoot, lots of brass. There are lots of ranges where reloaders have fight for every piece, that has to be fustrating!:(


New member
Excellent score. At current pricing, that's a decent haul.

I shoot at a private club and everyone reloads (well almost everyone). I think I've gotten maybe a couple hundred 45 ACP, 9mm Luger, & 40 S&W this year. I never get any rifle brass as that is picked up by everyone. There isn't a single guy that doesn't reload for his rifle.

I stocked up a bit when I first started reloading and have at least 6k pieces of 45 ACP, 9mm Luger, & 40 S&W so don't really need it. I do of course lose a few here and there. I pick up all pistol brass that isn't being picked up by the guy shooting next to me. It isn't often and it's been a couple of months since the last time someone actually left brass on the ground.