Great marketing


New member
Saw an add in a local paper on some new Home Defense shotgun ammo, was remington I think, copper BBs a box was over 20.00 :) Wish I had thought of this, take all those number 2 copper loads rebox them and charge 400% more for them.

Defense on the box means more bucks at the register?

Dave McC

Staff In Memoriam
Of course!! And lead 2s would be just the ticket for repelling a home invasion by hopped up Canada Geese.

But only if fired from a tactically blinged out ULTIMATE shotgun with PGO, belt feed and Lazers.....

Sarcasm mode off.......


New member
Dave McC said:
But only if fired from a tactically blinged out ULTIMATE shotgun with PGO, belt feed and Lazers.....
like this one:



Yep, just forget the "tactical" part - gun, ammo, lights, slings, scopes, etc......without them, those tactical ammo won't hit their mark