Great deals at gunshow


New member
I think I got some awsome deals at the gunshow this weekend! I was walking past a large dealers booth and stopped to drool over the 45colt Redhawks. I have wanted one for awhile but $600-$670 was just too much for me to spend on a gun right now because I am trying to build a house. Anyway, I am looking at the row of redhawks and they are all marked $669 exept one marked $469, a 7 1/2" 45 colt with wood grips new in box! I think it might have been a typo, but I did the paperwork, handed them the money and was on my way! (and I got a free Ruger hat)I would have felt bad, but that dealer has always been rude to me in the past, so Hey, I paid the marked price! on the way out I found a Nice S&W model 18 in great shape for $360!! I have been looking for a S&W .22 for some time so...... I had to buy it as well. It has nice original bluing, pinned barrel, and original wood grips. To many good deals, now I have to sell some stuff to make up for them!!!


Got a good deal down here in Spartanburg. A private sale NIB S&W Airweight 317-1 for two used Keltec P-32 and $50.


New member
I went to the show this weekend and did not buy squat. Took a redundant SKS and sold under market value. Took a nice Sig pistol in box, pau ferro grips, holster, extra mags etc. and the dealers wanted to pass or give me squat for it. This time I brought it home. 400$ was best offer, they sell for at least 6 in this nice condx. same model used, no accessories, so I figured, I will keep it for now. I did not want to sell a Sig in my name on record to the sleaze dogs that followed me around, psst what is that? how much? my homies outside want one of those, etc. Would sell to a friend though. But that is about what I expected and I did not find what I wanted to trade for, a prelock Smith bodyguard. Almost traded on a DW stainless pistol pack 357, but the gun did not tally up with what the guy was saying about it so I passed. Figure the Sig outfit is worth 500$ to someone I know.


New member
Seems I ain't the only one that got a good deal ata gunshow this weekend.
I got a CZ-52 ,holster and box of ammo for 150.00 and it is in exellent shape.
Shoots good too

Old 112

New member
It sounds like you had a Good Day.
Those big RH are a handful, but they really built tough. And Very nice to look at too.
I have a decided preference for the Ruger 45LC, but mine have all been Blackhawks, and I still have two that will never be sold.

I will be curious to hear how it shoots and handles.

Also, congrats on the S&W. Indeed, a good day.

Old 112


New member
The local show promoter screwed over all the dealers and ran off with a slew of money and bad debts, last heard from fleeing the state, having absconded with the local gun rights organization's funds.

So we don't have any local gun shows now. :( :barf:

I'm trying not to be bitter about the fact that I can't get to a local gun show-- many folks were ripped off by the guy, and they are hurting more than I am right now.

The whole thing sucks.