Great Day Shooting Some Rifles with South Carolina Carry


New member
South Carolina Carry had a regional range meetup yesterday with a few members. We started the day with a short pistol class from a certified instructor and then moved to the rifles everybody brought. I thought my VZ 58 was a pretty cool rifle that most people hadn't had the opportunity to shoot, but I got to put hands on a number of different rifles and carbines yesterday that were very cool.


I'm the goofy one in the blue shirt with the VZ58 (the short one)

Some impressions on what I got to shoot:

VEPR 54R: A true beast with the bark of a cannon. Fit and finish was pretty decent. I'd never fired an AK of any type before but the ergonomics were actually fairly decent and the bolt on the right side worked out alright for me as a left handed shooter. I enjoy the thump coming out of the barrel but recoil is relatively tame for the cartridge. The one downside is the rifle definitely deserves a larger magazine capacity. I decided I need to get one of these if the opportunity arises.

PS90: Very light and well balanced, carries easily. I'm a really small person, but the LOP still seemed too short and the ergonomics were cramped. When using the handle in the front part of the stock for my support hand, it was actually crowding and even bumping my trigger hand. Trigger was noticeably not great feeling but I don't think it affects the function. The factory donut and circle optic is neat but hard to pick up on and loses focus easily. The magazine capacity makes you feel as though you'll forget how to reload by the time you run empty.


Me shooting the PS90

CZ Scorpion: Feels pretty good, heavier and chunkier than I thought. Magazines very stiff to load. I don't know what the deal was, but I couldn't seem to work the bolt. Very, very stiff. The owner did it in one fluid motion so I don't know if I was missing something or if it moves easily with a required heavy amount of force. Trigger and ergonomics were decent, nothing special. The one I shot was a pistol equipped with a Thordsen cheek rest which did help stabilize the gun but definitely changed cheek weld. The rest also wanted to keep slipping into your shoulder due to its smooth sides under recoil.

Kriss Vector: Only got to fire a couple of rounds. Same issue with bolt being very stiff to release. Ergonomics were better than expected. Fairly easy to hit what you were aiming at with it. Odd issue though where my support hand apparently bumped the magazine release under recoil and dropped the magazine. I did enjoy shooting this one but I wouldn't personally spend the money on it currently. I think a foregrip would greatly improve the handling characteristics of one of these, giving you a firm place to put the support hand.

Had a great time getting out with everybody and getting to shoot recreationally for the first time in a while, in addition to trying some great new rifles. Everybody present gave permission to have their pictures taken/used on gun-related media. Now for a small promotional plug. South Carolina Carry has a website as well as Facebook pages and groups where you can keep up with meets such as these if you're in South Carolina or a closely surrounding area. Paid membership is suggested but not required to come to meets such as this. We're always looking to expose more people to shooting (not that the members here have any issues with that)


New member
Cool, looks like fun. Glad South Carolina finally decided to reciprocate with Georgia now I don’t have to be quite as nervous when I hit the Low Country.


New member
Yes, we planted a number of bugs in ears about getting the Georgia reciprocity to pass. You wouldn't believe (or maybe you would) the warnings of blood in the streets when letting permitted people from across state lines carry in neighboring states... we can now finally carry in Georgia too and no longer have to get a Utah license to do so.