Great day at the range!


New member
Yesterday I had one of those days at the range one only dreams of. There was a family there: 2 boys, their father, their grandfather and a family friend. The eldest boy was trying to shot a re-issue Colt 1851 Navy and was having problems keeping the balls in the chambers. Being an old-fart cap and ball shooter I started asking questions and found out that they were using .350 balls instead of .375 or .380. Convinced him to stop and got his father to unload it (I was concerned about a chain fire). Found out they did have a box of .375 balls and were able to get the Navy shooting. Also was able to warn them of the corrosive nature of Pyrodex and the need to clean the gun asap.

Now comes the good part: To show their appreciation for my advise out came an artillery Luger and a 1896 Mauser Broomhandle with stock. Got to shoot the Broomhandle. Wow!
Then the piece-de-resistance, the family friend removes from its case a double rifle in .303 British made around 1900 by a smith from Purdy. To be a rich English gentleman a century ago. Engraved all over, with gold inlay. Got to shoot the 303 too.

One of my better days in over 40 years of shooting.