Great carry idea for Kalifornia


New member
In the people's republik, I can't legally carry my Glock 27. Last weekend, I went backpacking with my 7 year old in the Sierra Nevada mountains (National Park). I would not even consider not bringing my gun.

At target, they have nice Samsonite camera cases for $9 that hold a Glock 27 perfectly. It hangs around your neck and I carried for two days without the slightest look. It was not exactly the most tactical way. However, it beats leaving the gun at home.


-It is your moral duty to break illegal laws.

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
Bragging about doing it in a public forum might not be the brightest idea, though.

PS: Walkman cases, complete with headphones, work too.


New member
When I first started carrying, I talked with a bunch of guys who wanted to be TOTALLY concealed. They liked the idea of a nerdy looking belt pouch that would normally hold a camera/walkman/cellphone/etc.

It is easy to get so caught up in the TACTICAL way to carry that we forget the obvious. My favorite off-the-wall carry method is a NAA minirevolver in a hard eyeglass case.

J. Parker

New member
Dave3006; I packed a gun in kalifornia for about 14 years WITHOUT PERMISSION if you will. I worked in the SF bay area and it was just worth the risk. I gave up National Parks years ago when Yosemite became such a madhouse. Well, these days I only frequent National Forests when I recreate. But I don't blame you one bit for packin' in the woods no matter where the woods might be. Best Regards, J. Parker