Great 18th birthday and range day!


New member
I turned 18 on August 22nd and I knew what I was asking for my birthday: a shiny new .22 rifle. In particular, a CZ 452. I've been wanting to get into marksmanship for a while now and a .22 is something I can feed.

I called around Gander and other local gun shops in the are and some hadn't even heard of it. My mom suggested I call a small gun shop out of a person's house around here and I secretly thought she was crazy. Lo and behold, that one small shop had it in store and I learned once again that Mom is always right.

With the birthday cash in hand, I was able to buy my own rifle on my 18th birthday (way better than buying cigarettes or a lotto ticket) and take it home to treasure. Turns out I can pass a background check! It was raining that day (darn Florida) so no range trip that day.

Today my girlfriend and I went to the range. I will be going much more often now that I can go on a schedule of my own with ammo I can afford to shoot a little more often. This gun is a sweet shooter! It feels great, shoots straight, and it doesn't look bad either. It's

It was also kind of a personal milestone that my girlfriend, who has been terrified of guns, accompanied me today. We shot the .22s and then eventually stepped up to my CZ 75 which was the real object of her fear. It's got much more of a bark than the .22s, and after the first shot she immediately put it down and there were some tears and shaking. We took a break, got a drink, and she came back and handled it like a champ and even got to work on some pretty good form. She shot a pretty decent group at 10 yards. After months of dry fire, talking, and normalizing, it was a big day for me that she trusted me enough to go out and try it. She still has no idea why I find it fun :D

I haven't had the chance to shoot it past 10 yards yet but I have no doubts that it will handle it well. I looked at some scopes today and there are some decent ones out there that I should be able to save up for in a decent time frame, but until then, iron sights training it is.

I really feel like a rifle is a great 18th birthday present for many reasons. It signifies to me that I am ready to take care of me and my property, that I could go out and bring food and support myself, and that I'm entrusted with the responsibility of the power associated. Maybe I'm just sentimental. But I had a great birthday and range day and thought I'd share.

Also, I should mention I got a happy birthday PM from our own Vanya and that put an extra smile in my day!

The shot below is the target my girlfriend and I used at 10 yards. Some of the outliers were on purpose, some were just outliers. Must have sneezed or something ;)


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New member
Sounds like a good day. I didn't buy my first rifle till I was 22 I had a few given to me. Where in fl are you? It has been pouring in my neck of the woods (Venice/englewood)

8MM Mauser

New member
Sounds like a good time; glad you GF is coming around!

When I was 19 my grandfather gave me a rifle; a Roughed up old Mauser he sporterized for me; that gift was ultimately what got me into shooting! Glad you had a good time!


New member
Congratulations on becoming a legal adult.
And for doing such a great job with your girlfriend.
She may never be an enthusiast, but at least you helped her get over her fears of the gun.
Well done.


New member
Happy Birthday!

Got my first .22 - a Browning take-down Autoloader, when i was 19, and decided there were just too many rabbits running wild on the west Utah desert. That was 42 years ago. That gun, with a 4X Redfield scope is still with me.

You sound like a good man.
Figure out what you believe and Stand Your Ground!


New member
Your CZ 452 is a GREAT rifle!! You will really enjoy it. I have one and just shoot the stuffing out of it. I did have a trigger job done after I saw how good it shot with the iron sights. Then I put a picatinny rail on it and a Nikon scope. I shoot mostly at 100 yards with it and am really pleased with the performance.

You have a really fine rifle that will serve you well for the rest of your life. Someday you can pass that down to your kids and it will shoot just as well for them.

Welcome to your majority. Along with the privileges come responsibilities. Your post indicates you are wise beyond your years. Enjoy your life as it unfolds.
Well deserved birthday, dakota!

With the social decline of our great country, it's refreshing to read your posts and think there's hope...
Happy birthday! I have one of the 452's, and it's my most accurate production .22. I've never even put an optic on it.

...and, finding .22 LR ammo? A happy day indeed. ;)