Graphic timeline for constitutional carry

At a meeting not long ago an NRA representative commented that there are now twelve states with constitutional carry. I'm obviously out of touch, because I thought it was four or five -- so I went browsing to see who the other states are. In the process, I stumbled onto this:



New member
Yet we still have members here who insist that we have gained nothing in the way of gun rights in the past 3 decades; and that we've only "lost pieces of our cake" and the NRA has completely sold us out. Sorry to rant, but it's true.

I'm hoping for a sea of green myself. NC has toyed with Constitutional Carry but we are a very unique state. Still mostly conservative, but "swing statey" enough to cause problems for an idea like CC.


I remember that the first State level gun forum (Joe's Crabby Shack) I joined back in the mid 2000's had this very map on the cover page ..... there has been progress, yes...... but we still are not back to where we were before the Progressives started stomping all over the Constitution 100+ years ago ....
The map is encouraging, but deceptive. For 2017 they show 13 states as having constitutional carry. That's not really the case. Wyoming, for example, has permitless carry for Wyoming residents only. That's not really constitutional carry ... and I wonder if it would stand up to a court challenge. I believe there are two or three other states that are shown on this map as having constitutional carry that don't extend that right to visitors.