Grandson's learning curve on Firearms & Hunting


New member
Currently more active with my eight year old Grandson on his firearms and hunting leaning curve. He already knows the four major gun handling safety rules. All rifle actions, types of handguns, shotguns as well as M/L's. Knows common cartridges by sight and what he doesn't know, knows where to find the answer. Biggest rifle caliber shot is a .223 and .38special in handgun. Always wears protective equipment even when he doesn't want to. Has a touch of Rambo-itis and working on that one. Gave a report on types of firearms and safe gun handling practices that the teacher did not appreciate but gave him a "B" anyway. He has shot ducks, rabbits and squirrels and shot "at" a deer and missed. Already looking forward to Spring Turkey season.

This coming weekend will take him to his first Gun Show and knows some of the etiquette involved. Mainly not to touch anything not even a bobble-head doll. If he wants to touch something, he will not hesitate to ask me first and I will ask the dealer in kind. There will be three adults in our group and he will be running with the big dogs and a couple of old ones at that. After the gun show, we will stop at our local Grill and Pub for a sandwich. it's his birthday and he has been asking me to take him to a gun show this past season. It will be a new adventure for him as well as for me. I love this stuff !!! :p

Be Safe !!!