

New member
(runt-sized rant)

My grandmother doesn't like her little sweet granddaughter ;) carrying a big evil gun. (But, it's okay for HER to have a .22 revolver for shooting the woodpecker that's trying to bore holes in her tin roof.)

"But grandma, what if some man tried to rape me? Isn't it good that I can defend myself?" I ask.
Grandma cocks an eyebrow, "Well, I suppose."

We had our annual Christmas party as Grandma's this past weekend. She hugs me and ends up feeling a handful of Taurus 617.


I hold up my hand and make a finger gun. Oh, boy, I'm really gonna get it now.

Grandma fluffs up. "You TAKE THAT THING OFF and put it in your car. We're all friends here (so there's no need for it)."

Sheesh. If her hand was a little more to the right, she would've felt my MOD Razorback that I just got at the gunshow the day before.

And thank goodness she didn't hug Oleg - there's NO TELLING what kind of hardware was lurking under his sweater! And my brother was carrying his ASP openly, but I suppose it looks like a flashlight.

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
I was much amused: I had my lovely Sebenza (a gift from TFL), an AFCK (a gift from runt) and a Kershaw folder (from Zander, thanks!)...and, of course the Glock 17 with a spare mag . After all, I was among friends and didn't have to hide too much...nor did I anticipate any trouble, else a Garand would have come along ;) Seriously, I take a dim view of people wishing me unarmed in their home...if they feel strongly enough about it to press the issue, I would be happy to spend time elsewhere.

This was in the same home where an antique rolling block 12-gauge has been sitting by the fireplace (in the public area) for months...upon examination, it revealed a live blackpowder reload in the chamber :eek:

Marko Kloos

New member
Grandmas can be a little slow to own granny had accepted my guns ever since I enlisted at 17, but she never understood the fascination with computers.

"All the time you spend on those things...they'll never make you any money."

When she visited me a few years ago in the house which I bought from network consulting fees, she looked around and said, "Boy, I guess I was wrong about that whole computer thing."

On a side note...doesn't it feel nice to live in a state which trusts you with a concealed Glock 17, Oleg? :D

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
Back in MN I carried a P32 or a Kahr P9 or a G26...not that I would have admitted to that when still living back there. It was an uncomfortable experience because, if caught, I had to decide if I would go with a gross misdemeanor (for the first time, a felony for #2) or if it was better to rub out the catcher. The P32 was less likely to be noticed but the 9mm guns were more likely to be effective against goblins or the ban enforcers. Some pleasant thought when my sole purpose was defense of self, family and close friends!

Now I don't have to treat every walk outside of home as a mission into enemy-held territory. Much safer and less unpleasant for me, somewhat safer for those around me. And paddle holsters are so much more comfortable than IWB with anything larger than a P9!


New member
You reminded me how my grammy was allways goin on about "how I went to 'puter skewl " . I guess that Oakie accents never goes away ;) Plus she learned that I could make a good living with that knowledge in much the same manner.
She's not to concerned about guns though, out of sight out of mind plus she loves to hear those huntin stories. She might start to worry if me and my friends start looking like we walked out of the Matrix. That would still be cool though.
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New member
runt this may sound strange...but consider yourself lucky. :)

my grandparents and my parents are incessant worriers. i briefly mentioned the mere thought of getting a gun back in july and my father absolutely flipped.

i talk to my grandparents on the phone every week. and it's always, "be a good girl", "don't forget to wear a coat", etc etc. one time when it was rainy it was, "be careful driving. the leaves can be slippery." I'M 24!

if i mentioned anything about a gun i seriously (i'm not exaggerating in the least here) think my grandmother would have a heart attack or a stroke.

i think we're always gonna be their "sweet little girls" forever.... :rolleyes:

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
...and speaking of sweet little girls

(btw, I find gunnies or martial arts folk to be less jumpy and therefore less aggressive than those unsure of their own safety)

Ever met Gunsmith Cats? Not too serious but worth a chuckle...


New member
Oleg, I do have a Gunsmith Cats desktop pic I made. It amuses the co-workers.

And besides the loaded crusty 12 guage, she did have that .22 stored cocked in the laundry room once. Apparently grandma was going to nail the woodpecker and it flew away, and she didn't know how to decock. I asked her if she wanted me to do it for her and she screeched, "No, don't. I'll have Bob (my cousin) do it. Put it back now!" :rolleyes:

Did you parents ever say "Be a good girl" and then "Have fun"? I'd say, "It's gotta be one or the other!"


New member
Now I don't have to treat every walk outside of home as a mission into enemy-held territory.
Man, if that doesn't describe exactly how I feel when I leave the house armed.

I gotta get out of the Peoples Republic of Kansas :rolleyes:

Anyway, I plan on going to all my Christmas functions with "my little friend" and I don't plan on telling anyone (even my wife). We're not a big bunch of huggers and I carry in the 4 o'clock position so I'm not too worried.

My biggest problem is going to be all the food ... that's one bad thing about a belly band. Half way through the evening I'm going to have to excuse myself to the bathroom just so I can loosten my belly band :D.


New member
Gunsmith Cats!
I have a friend who worked for Dark Horse Comics for a couple of years in Portland. She really likes the Gunsmith cats. She has a huge tatoo of Harley with a pistol on her frontside. Cool Tat and a nice friend. I Havent ever been able to figure it her out though. She loves "empowered" women like the Cats and Power Puff girls ......but she is a progressive, pacifist, who dislikes weapons. Sounds like a weird duality thing huh?
Oh well.
Cheers All
My brother wore a Colt 1911 under the tux at his wedding. My mom found it when she was giving her baby a hug. No big deal...our dad is into guns too. How do you think we got started. She blames him for it anyway.


New member
I was much amused: I had my lovely Sebenza (a gift from TFL), an AFCK (a gift from runt) and a Kershaw folder (from Zander, thanks!)...

Oleg, be warned:
1) In the South we assume that if a man is carrying more than one knife it is because he wants to give the others away to his friends. It is a deep and personal insult to turn down this request.

In fact if you are mong people close to you and someone asks to see your knife chances are high that they will hand you theirs, then assume that the two are permanently swapped in a token of love and affection. In fact I still have my father's knife many years after his death and he was carrying mine the day he had his fatal heart attack.

2) Any family member may borrow any knife on any other's person or possession if there arises a need to skin a game animal or other such task.


New member
I got caught by my VERY anti-gun aunt at thanksgiving, at my VERY pro-gun sisters house...

My aunt told me to go put it away... and said "nobody else has one, why would you need one"...

Hehe... she very soon saw Dad's Kimber, Sis's kel-tec (I gave it to her) Mom's colt detective special, my other Uncle's Smitty 4006, and my friends 4006... All respectfully presented with actions racked open, and live rounds from the chamber in the other hand... (except for mom, she just opened the cylinder) it turns out that my Sis quickly went around and told them what to do... (gotta love her!)

My aunt shut up in a hurry...

I also had Spyderco and Gerber knives on me...

I guess SHE found out in a hurry...


New member
I got this tale from my dad and then verified it with my grannie.

Seems that shortly after the turn of last century, grannie was presented with a lovely Smith M frame .22 LadySmith in an ornate presentation box with engraved presentation plate. She ask what she was to do with it. Presenter suggested it would make a good purse gun for protection. She opened her purse and let her .44 show, sayin that was her protection, the LadySmith was for pretty.

Runt.....treasure your grannie, we don't get many of em.


Calamity Jane

New member
Hubby's grandma sleeps with an old .38 S&W by her bed.

I don't think my grandma has ever touched a gun in her life, though she grew up in rural MO and has lived all her life there. She's not anti-gun, but she is a quintessential head-patting, "wear your galoshes" granny. :)

She's also 97 years old, and it really bugs me out when I contemplate the fact that she was 10 years old when Archduke Ferdinand was assassinated.

When I tell Gram about me and hubby going to the range, she always says, "Ooh! Be careful!"

But she says that about driving, too. In the same tone of voice.

Grandmas. Gotta love 'em. :D