Grandkids and shooting


New member
Passing on the Tradition

Here are a couple pics of two of my grandkids.


12 y/o with my IZH 35M. Learning gun safety.


Grandkid is the one on the left and that's his Winchester 9422 that his Dad's holding. He's not quite ready for the 4 rules. But he wants the Win.

Loads of fun.




  • Simon w IZH 35M 1.jpg
    Simon w IZH 35M 1.jpg
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  • Ely w Dad and 9422.jpg
    Ely w Dad and 9422.jpg
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New member
I once opinioned to the Lady friend one saturday at a family gathering that I didn't want kids, but would love to skip right into being a grandpa.

It was quite the site seeing my Uncle, who was my surrogate grandfather growing up, teaching his grandson how to shoot a pistol with the same H&R .32 S&W I learned to shoot at about the same age.


New member
I have one primary rule for grandkids and shooting: it has to be OK with their parents. Both of my sons are somewhat anti-gun (and one is an LEO) so I guess I did something wrong when they were young; my daughters and their husbands are more neutral on the subject, but I have yet to take any of my grandkids to the range. I'mhoping that as they get a bit older I will have the chance to teach them about guns, gun safety and hopefully get them to enjoy shooting sports.


New member
When you post pictures, you must be aware that folks will attack the details and then comment! So please take the comments in as good a spirit as I send them.

First kid-- gotta say I agree. Give him a cheaper rimfire or you'll spoil him. Some Walther P-22 or S&W 22A. With that Baikal, there's almost nowhere for him to go but down. Really!

Also, can't tell due to the hair mop, but he may need shooting glasses and ear protection if they aren't under the hair.

I'd also work a bit on his shooting stance. But then again... if he's having fun and handling safely, then it's something that you could work on later. But the eyes and ears are a 100% MUST.

The second kid-- adorable! :D


New member

Well, the real purpose of the thread was to get some of you others out there to post some pics of your grandkids (and/or kids) doing something similar.

As far as the Baikal pic, first, it was posed. Second, he had been shooting Aguila powderless ammo in it (remarkably quiet if not quite silent).

Third, while I agree that the Baikal is head and shoulders above any other .22 target pistol I've shot (with the possible exception of an early Hi-Standard Citation), the choices were narrow and included a Ruger Mark I and a S&W 422 which we both agreed was the most fun.

I can't disagree with your assessment of the second pic. Takes after his grandpa.

Your response is much appreciated.

Now, let's see some more "passing on the tradition" pics.




New member
I have started early with my children. My 10 year old at the range posing for a picture at the end of the day... best daddy daughter day I've had so far :)k-1.jpg

and my 15 year old posing with a silhoutte target she made me put up at 300 yards for her first range trip. She would'nt let me take a picture of her shooting or with the rifle she shot which was my Marlin Glenfield model 60, because she needed to do her hair :psil-1.jpg

Momma hates the fact I am "corrupting" my step-kids with the useful knowledge of gun safety and operation, but I would rather they know and be safe, than not know and be afraid.... So the king of the house put his foot down on this one. Really my dad talked to her for me :D