Grabbed the wrong ones


New member
I just recently found some small pistol primers and bought them only to find that they are Magnum pistol primers. I have standard loads for all of my pistols and was wondering how I can use these primers as I cannot return them? Is it ok to use magnum small pistol primers for these loads and do I need to reduce them because these are magnum primers?

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
Reduce to starting load (or 10% anyway) and work back up.

You aren't likely to be able to return them unless they're in an original, unopened package and even then it's unlikely.


New member
Option 2: Post your location and what you want and I'll bet someone on here would exchange with you. Another person on here and I are doing that exchange...


New member
All of my loads i work up i use magnum primers(pistol and rifle). As long as you work up the load with these there is no problems


New member
They should work just about the same. Diffance in my loads was too close to call as far as what the paper showed. None had any trace of pressure signs. I used small rifle primers for all of my pistol loads till this last craze at up the supply. I had to go to using standar small pistol primers, and they work just the same, at least by how I shoot.


New member
I spoke to Federal regarding using mag vs standard large pistol primers. They said there would be no problem with pressure. They said the cups are a little harder so make sure your firearm strikes them hard enough to be reliable. As we now use what we can get, I have been using mags in place of regular primers without difficulty and see no problems with existing loads. I hope this gives you some info you can us.


New member
I've done a lot of research on this subject and from what I've learned, yes you can use them. Just start low and work back up. I was getting ready to go that route when primers stated showing up at my lgs. I have no trouble finding small pistol primers now. I have well over a thousand and more where they came from. I wouldn't hesitate to use small mag. primers if the need arises though.