Grab some popcorn, MMM coming to TV!


New member
Don't forget your barf bag!

Million March' to TV

Look for the Million Mom March, which drew an estimated 750,000 people to Washington, D.C., on May 14 in support of gun control measures, to become a TV movie, three documentaries and a book.

Organizer Donna Dees-Thomases, on leave from her part-time publicity job at CBS' Late Show, says she has the power of television — specifically Rosie O'Donnell and Oprah Winfrey — to thank.

"Most of the moms told us they heard about the march through Rosie and Oprah," Dees-Thomases said Monday. Two documentaries are in the works for cable's Lifetime and AMC. A broadcast network also has a movie planned, but Dees-Thomases wouldn't say which one.

The Million Mom Foundation hopes to raise up to $1 million for the rights to the story, all of which will go to the group.


New member
cool! can i play myself?

who gets to play the SASer that got spit on by the mommies?



New member
Ever see A Clockwork Orange ? I'd look like Malcom in reconditioning if I saw that one. aCk.

[This message has been edited by scud (edited August 02, 2000).]


I wouldn't take this one too lightly "yawn". It will be filled with "touchy-feely" insurmountable odds, heart-breaking testimony. I suggest DZ and the SAS get a publicist and write a book with "real" grass-roots against all odds scenerio. Earl Owensby in Shelby NC might be willing to film it!


New member
Think of how we are going to be portrayed!

Wasn't it Mr. Hill that spit on the baby while he held the little cherub's head to his big ugly assault 1911 with the bayonette lug. USA Today.....Sucks.


New member
If I get to see that TV documentation, let's see if I have the time to
get up light gun attached to my Playstation to shoot a few of these

Given my dog does not beg me to take him to the woods and spare him
that cruelty. Even dogs are smarter than our MMMs. :)