GP100 front sight removal problem


New member
The instructions say to just depress the plunger and the front sight just lifts off, but the sight will not budge no matter how hard down I press on the plunger. Any recommendations?


Try it when the barrel is hot. Could be there is some sort of sticky compound holding the sight in place. Heat tends to break that.


New member
I tried lifting the rear w/ pliars as someone else depressed the plunger. Guess I gotta go to the range and heat up that barrel :D


New member
I`ve pulled some out & replaced em with the millet sites & some I had to "adjust" with a file a bit to reinstall the factory so yours is probably jammed purty goooood !!!

heatin the barrel by shootin ain`t tooo aweful bad a job !!


New member
Hey Headbanger,
I had a heck of a time removing the front sight from my new GP100 6" stainless revolver a couple of weeks ago.

I had my son hold the gun and depress the plunger. I took a standard pair of pliers with a cloth over the sight to protect it from marring, and wiggled it slightly while trying to pull up on the rear of the sight. It barely budged, but I did see where the rear of the sight raised itself just barely off of the barrel.

I had my son depress the plunger again and I used a very small flat head screwdriver to slip under the raised portion of the sight and it popped right off. The new Millett went right in with no problems.

They just seem to be very tight coming from the factory these days.
Hope this helps.