
Uncle Buck

New member
Well, My wife did it again! She bought me another pistol, this time a GP-100. This is the second time she has come home and said "We need to go back to the store, I wasn't sure what the primers were you wanted and they have a lot of them."
So we head off to the store and when we get inside, she informs me that I have a pistol waiting for me at the counter. Good Lord! I love her more everyday.

She said she did not know whether to get me the GP-100 or the Redhawk, but in two months she would get me the Redhawk. "That way it'll give you two months to get the dies and reloading stuff you'll need."

I enjoy this little pistol for a couple of reasons:

The hard rubber grips are very comfortable to handle, especially in this wet weather we have been having.

The trigger guard is big enough that I can use the pistol with-out taking off my gloves.

The weight of the revolver seems to make it balance very easily and also will put it back on target very quickly when I am shooting .357's.

I have only shot it out to eight yards, but it seems very accurate so far. (I shoot mostly .38 Specials out of it.)

Just had to brag on my wonderful wife.


New member
We hate a braggart,,,

Well, perhaps "hate" is too strong a word,,,
But just because you lucked out with the perfect wife,,,
Do you really have to continuously rub our faces in your good fortune? ;)

Seriously man,,,
Does she have a sister? :D

Oh BTW: Nice revolver as well.

Pics,,, we need pics of the gun,,,,,


New member
>>Allow me a momentary channelling of Napoleon Dynamite................<<



New member
The GP-100 is one of the best revolvers ever made. As much as I love Smith N frames, if I could only have one gun, it would be the GP-100.
My wife bought this Ruger Redhawk and this S&W Model 28-2 off Gunbroker for me:


In turn, I bought her 1968 Python from my Gunsmith (Happy Birthday):

And this Model 67 no dash.

The stag grips were icing on the cake.

Uncle Buck

New member
The four pack of socks is hard to beat, especially considering that I have darned these things a dozen times... But they do not have a sock forum I can brag about new socks on.

It is a toss-up between a Python or a Redhawk for the next gun...

You guys are great and I wish I had more time to spend with you all, but being spring, there is yard work and farm work and other types of things needing doing.

Catch you all between chores.