Gov't shouldn't tell us how many rnds in our mag...

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New member
When folks bring up the "evils of hi-cap magazine clips" (Yes, hearing or reading "magazine clips" is like nails on a blackboard to me too), I always ask, "OK, how many dead kids is moral, then?"

If we are going to accept the absurd notion that each round a firearm may hold equals a "dead child", the question, for me at least becomes, how many is a good number as opposed to a bad number.

Makes the dullards sputter and lock up, every time.;)


New member
I think there are plenty of arguments for not limiting mag cap. But i don't think that whats in the video is a good one. Not having time to change the mag for example but in the video there was plenty of time. Strange thing is even with the strict firearms laws in the UK mag restrictions is not one. Probably because it won't make any difference as a mag can be changed in a few seconds so whats the point. Someone with two 10 round magazines can do just as much damage as someone with one twenty round mag. Not changing the mag was the problem not the capacity. I have had plenty of discussion on this forum about the amount of ammo to carry my view was that carry at least one extra mag. Most replied that they carry a revolver or that most self defence situations only three rounds or so are fired so 6 rds or one mag is plenty. So the ones that said that 3 are plenty can hardly now say that the video is a good argument against mag restrictions.


New member
Very true, Manta49.

For me, the best argument is very simple. Most folks are basically good and, even with a 100 rnd magazine will never even consider harming others. Baddies will not obey or, even be inconvenienced by whatever laws are put in place regardless of how well meaning those laws may be.

Face it, most of us simply are not dangerous. At least not without serious provocation. Even a belt-fed 1919 in our possession is never going to be aimed at some school.;)
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