Gov't gun list

The specialist

New member
I was under the assumption it was illeagal for the gov't to keep a registry of the guns you own. Is this true? In Mass. the Dept. of Public Safety apparently has a list of gun owners and the guns they own. Is this legal?

Jim V

New member
It depends on your state laws. The Feds are not supposed to keep such a list, except for NFA weapons, but-t-t-t-t-t-t.......


New member
I'm lost here.....
Why need to keep a list?
If you commit a crime using your weapon, you will eventually get busted.... without a list showing that you had the gun...
But then again, criminals do not appear on govt or other agency's lists.
The only purpose I see for a list of gunowner's weapons, is how and when to confiscate them....
CCW permits? It's a list.
NFA permits? It's a list
Class II and III permits? It's a list.
Licensing? It's a list.
4473? It's a list.
Owner's permit? It's a list.
Did I misread the Constitution somewhere?
((perplexedly bewildereding))


No you didn't misread your constitution. History teaches us that there's only one way to deter such tyranny,'re not supposed to talk about it. You may just identify yourself as a man...err, I mean.. SOME KINDA RIGHT WING PSYCHO.:rolleyes:



New member
About 9 yrs ago I did a little work with the California Department of Justice. They were asking me to help them with the hardware on their ongoing project to build a DNA database on EVERYONE. I refused and walked away from the project. I assume that is illegal, but remember that "they ARE the law". They do it, therefore it is legal. No?

ps: I similarly refused a contract for $4Mil from a local school board illegaly spending funds. They still did the project, but I still have my integrity.