Governor Christie Pardons Shaheen Allen

The full statement is here. Allen petitioned the governor for a pardon, which he has granted.

Steffon Losey-Davis has done the same, but has not been pardoned.

As it is, the Graves Act is still law in New Jersey, and judges can still hand out what penalties they see fit.


New member
Unfortunately unless we start winning some federal court cases NJ law is never going to change, quite the contrary they'll probably get far worse when Christie is out of office.

Christie pardoned Allen for brownie points, I'd be shocked if he pardoned Steffon even though he should.


New member
NJgunowner said:
Christie pardoned Allen for brownie points, I'd be shocked if he pardoned Steffon even though he should.
I'm not so sure; I've argued in a past thread that Josey-Davis clearly should have known better due to his status as the holder of a professional armed guard's license.


New member
Good for Christie

I applaud his actions, but it doesn't change anything for anybody except one innocent victim.


New member
Glad she was pardoned and that is part of his job.

The other main part of his job is to uphold and support he law of the state. Not sure about NJ, but most states have some version of 2A in their state constitution. Regardless, if he wants a vote outside of Newark, NYC, Chicago and LA. . .He'll need to support freedom. He has done NOTHING to do that.
