Gotta drive through Chicago...


New member
Going to a benchrest workshop up in Michigan, and I'll have to drive through Chicago to get there.

My truck is painted camo, and has at least 25-30 RKBA-oriented bumper stickers on the shell. Rifle will be in a locked case in the bed, with the bolt in a separate container. Can I expect much hassle? I'll likely be passing through around noonish.


New member
I imagine the natives will give you lots of room.

Makesure all your tail lights work and your rig is basicly up to the vehicle code - I dont know the laws there, but I doubt you will have a problem...

Lonnie Jaycox

New member
If you live in Dogtown I havew seen your truck and love it. A friend of mine lives there and we walk the dog after going to the range on tuesdays--I think you know my friend. Anyway--a long arm stored like that will not be problem---for now.


New member
You should be OK even if you get stopped for a routine traffic stop.

If you are driving to Michigan, why do you want to go through Chicago?

You can bypass the whole city (and miss a lot of crappy traffic) by taking I-80 to 90-94 and head up to Michigan that way. If you are heading to the UP use I-39 and head up through Rockford. If you want any routing info let me know where you are heading in Michigan.

Truth is, I'd be less worried about the Chicago cops stopping you because of bumper stickers and more concerned about tyhe traffic mess that keeps the downtown "spaghetti bowl" tied up day and night.

If your rifle is in a case and the ammunition is separate you should have no problem even if you are stopped. If your state requires an ID card have it in your wallet. In all my years living in Chicago (54) I've never had a cop ask if I have any weapons in the car when stopped for a traffic issue.

And yeah, I hate that we are one of the few states with no carry laws. As long as Daley has a stranglehold on the state and feels the honest people are just too stupid and unreliable to trust, we have a problem. Our best chance is a national law I think. We finally have a candidate for governor, O'Malley, that believes in concealed carry. Wish us luck.

Have a good trip.

Don P.


New member
Good luck, Don P.!!! I spent 3 years in Chicago and still have many friends there. It is a terrible shame that so many good people are trapped in that state with its police state mentality.

Bogie, comply with the `86 FOPA umbrella and you'll be fine ever in the heart of Chicago. I did have a Chicago cop try to steal my knife once (another story). Once you get to Indiana you can get your rifle out of the back and up front with you where it belongs.


One bit of advice (if I may stray slightly from the original question).

Is this going to be in an actual gun case? If so, I'd be sure to run a chain through the handle and attatch it to the bed somewhere. If you get stuck in traffic, some dirtbag is liable to run by and snag it.


New member
Peacable journey laws would not be violated.

You cannot be pulled over just on suspicion of having a gun. Just make sure you comply with vehicle laws (updated tags, tail-lights, etc.) and don't commit moving violations.

Have fun at the workshop.


There's a cap on the bed
Problem solved then! As long as it is not loaded, and you are just passing through (ie: your only stops are for food, fuel, or rest), you can go through Chicago (or anywhere in the country) as long as your weapon is in a lockable box in the trunk (capped bed should qualify as a trunk).