Got to fire a CZ 75B today


New member
The CZ 75B that I ordered hasn't arrived yet, although UPS assures me that it'll be in on Monday. Meanwhile, I was at the range this morning and a friend let me fire his.

My first impression was to be somewhat surprised at how compact the gun is. It's definitely a lot smaller than a Beretta 92FS, the other gun I was considering buying. In fact, the gun feels smaller than several of the striker fired polymer framed guns like the Springfield XD and the S & W M & P. That may be subjective, but it certainly seemed that way to me.

The gun balanced very nicely in my hand. I was able to reach the trigger without difficulty and it pointed very well. The sights were easy to see.

It shot wonderfully. I was able to put my first group in the 10 ring at 10 yards. Putting the front site on target and squeezing the trigger seemed to be absolutely second nature with this gun. The single action trigger was not as crisp as, say, on a 1911, but it was plenty good.

All in all, a very good experience. I can't wait 'til mine gets here!


New member
Your not alone with your thoughts on the CZ 75 series of handguns. They are one of the best values out there for a 9mm handgun.



New member
Good Luck with yours.

Don't pay any attention to this guy. His post are always negative when it comes to CZ's, and he never gives any solid, sound information. He always just wants to throw out a "one liner" that has no real information.



New member

We'll be expecting a full report when you get your czech beauty.

This is the first CZ I ever bought - still have it.



New member
congrats on the purchase! I bought my 75B SA few weeks ago and I love it, shoots great, feels great, looks great. Happy shooting.


New member
Welcome to the CZ club. You won't be disappointed with the purchase. I predict it will only be your first.


New member
You have made a fine selection! In my opinion, they are one of the finest pistols on the market. However as others have warned, this is only your first! I am at seven and counting.


New member
It would be the perfect handgun if the trigger didn't suck.

Apparently, nothing is allowed to be perfect, there just has to be a major flaw with something and for the otherwise superb CZ-75 B, the trigger has to be it.