Got Skunked!


New member
Not for the normal reasons however. The reason for my failure:

There was a lot of kicked up dust and random singing of Sugarland, a whole lot of "what ifs", and "look at this". There was not any chance I'd get within shooting range and filling either of my tags on my SE Colorado Pronhorn hunt. However, it was probably one of the best hunts I've ever been on and probably the most memorable to date.
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New member
Good reason. Been there and still savor every minute.

My 'distractor' is now 25 and sees things that I now miss. A second set of good eyes is good for us old folks.


New member
This was her first hunt and she hiked around with me like a trooper as we put some miles on trying to put the sneak on some pronghorn. She was extremely excited when Mom bought her some orange so she could hang with me. I did have a hard time keeping my bino's as she wanted to use them all the time.

All is not lost, I still have one more day I can possibly hunt but that will have to wait until Friday. I just hope it was better than yesterday, as I had fog and only about 100-200 yards of visibility, not very good weather to shoot pronghorn in. So I wound up helping Dad change a starter in his tractor so he could finish his last 14 rounds with the baler and watching the Bronco's beat they Cowboys in a house full of grandkids. Great weekend but not the one I had planed on.

Snowman to answer your question GMU's 120 & 121 my family owns property on both sides of CR109.


New member
Very nice. I live in 125. Just south of ya. Got any prairie dog towns up there? Always looking for a new place to hunt them.

Mike U.

New member
I've been in jury duty hell all day.
This thread just made my day waaay better.:D
Thanks for sharing!


New member
That one's a keeper! Never pass up a chance to take the kids hunting, she'll have those memories long after you're gone.


New member
When I read your post title I thought no way...this guy tripped over a skunk & got himself sprayed. What an offel way to mess up a truck on the way home.

I'm very pleased that your hunt turned out a success! Tags unfilled. But, memories that last forever. Ya can't do much better.


New member
Well I did manage to fill one tag last Tuesday. Called in used a day of leave went out with my buddy and his brother, filled my doe tag and their buck tags. Didn't get a picture of my doe but got some of their bucks, nothing for the record books but nothing to sneeze at either. Check this link for pictures:

Had a pretty upset six year old when I got home that night, since I made her got to school and didn't tell her I was going hunting!:D When she is a little older and can hunt herself I'll let her ditch a day to take her hunting. It is the least I could do! ;)