Got second GSG.....this time with the suppressor!


New member
Black Friday at the gun show, dealer just got two in yesterday......lucky enough to snag one ($375).

Have seen these on the GSG web site, but it was too neat to pass up. Wasn't real keen on the rail, but decided to make the best of it....picked up a quick detach light to go with it. Appears the rail can be removed if desired....looks like two screws holding it on. Kinda of like the light now that I've played with it.

Suppressor of course is fake, installs by removing the thread protector and spin it on. Got me to thinking if it would be possible to carry this to the farm. Found a 8 1/2" revolver holster for $15 that should do the trick....about an inch longer than the suppressor.

One helpful observer at the gun show says the suppressor can be made functional with the addition of "Jello". Pour the Jello into the suppressor and refrigerate till solid.....screw on the suppressor and fire away, he says it will quiet the first couple rounds, then time to refill the Jello mold.........think I'll pass on that suggestion.

Haven't shot it yet, but if it's as good as my other 1911 GSG I'll be thrilled.








New member
I have heard great things about these handguns. Reliably and accurate and the price is very good. They go for around $305-$330 around here. I would be interested in hearing what you think of yours.


I would hold off on the jello until you register it and pay the $200 tax; if you live in the USA that is. In the US, anything intended to reduce the noise of a portable firearm is a silencer and requires the tax be paid or a license obtained before making or buying it.

Better yet, get a real silencer for it. It should work better than any makeshift can with an ablative in it.



New member
One helpful observer at the gun show says the suppressor can be made functional with the addition of "Jello". Pour the Jello into the suppressor and refrigerate till solid.....screw on the suppressor and fire away
First a guy over bakes his 1911 and now jello? Is it the time of the year?

Maybe we should start a whole new forum area -- Cooking With Guns.


New member
The guys comment about "Jello" was pretty humorous.....maybe should have posted it on the "Crazy things you've heard at a gun show".

Wish we could have suppressors here in this state, have to be happy with a fake for now.


New member
The chuckle about the Jello did make me forget to congratulate you on the new pistol. I have heard nothing but good things about the GSG.

cougar gt-e

New member
I'd heard (on the internet -- so it MUST be true!!) that the BATFn E might consider that "fake" suppressor to be real enough to arrest you.

Dunno if that's accurate or pure internet BS, but I wouldn't want to find out it was accurate the hard way.:eek:


New member
I'd heard (on the internet -- so it MUST be true!!) that the BATFn E might consider that "fake" suppressor to be real enough to arrest you.

Dunno if that's accurate or pure internet BS, but I wouldn't want to find out it was accurate the hard way.

I would be one of those, I have a GSG-5, the one that looks like the MP5, great gun, I have fired it both with the sudo suppressor on and off, it does not suppress anything, it's just a over all quit weapon, but can it shoot :D


New member
You have to register a fake suppressor? It's Fake! As for the jello, gives a whole new meaning to Jello Shots. I'm sorry, but you knew someone would not be able to let it go.:rolleyes:


New member
I'd heard (on the internet -- so it MUST be true!!) that the BATFn E might consider that "fake" suppressor to be real enough to arrest you.

Dunno if that's accurate or pure internet BS, but I wouldn't want to find out it was accurate the hard way.

I wouldn't worry too much about it. It's happened before (with another GSG product) that the ATF ruled the fake suppressor was a real one. What ended up happening is people were asked by the manufacturer or importer to send in their "suppressors" and have them replaced with one more to the ATF's liking.

So you're not left wondering if what I said is also internet BS, here's an article on the subject:


New member
I really wonder if these internet experts have any depth of reading comprehension. For those challenged in fundamental reading skills, I'll try to make it understandable.

GSG only recalled the "SD Model" fake suppressors....which happened to be the larger (1 9/16" diameter) of the two that were produced for the GSG-5's. If your GSG-5 had the smaller diameter, there is no issue. The smaller GSG-5 fake is the same diameter as what's offered on the 1911.


New member
I really wonder if these internet experts have any depth of reading comprehension. For those challenged in fundamental reading skills, I'll try to make it understandable.

GSG only recalled the "SD Model" fake suppressors....which happened to be the larger (1 9/16" diameter) of the two that were produced for the GSG-5's. If your GSG-5 had the smaller diameter, there is no issue. The smaller GSG-5 fake is the same diameter as what's offered on the 1911.

If that's directed at me, then you're the one lacking the reading comprehension skills because at no point did I suggest anything contrary. All I said was there was indeed at one point a GSG product whose fake suppressor was deemed to be an NFA item for whatever reason, and that people that bought these were not automatically prosecuted as criminals, but rather simply asked to return the offending muzzle attachments for legally allowable ones. My post was merely directed at someone who suggested if the suppressor would ever be deemed illegal, one could likely face prosecution.


New member
Congrats on the new gun. I haven't seen one yet, but have heard good things about it. I bought the GSG-5 MP5 clone the other year and it seems to shoot well. I have to admit the only reason I bought it was for the looks. $500 for a .22, I have three 10/22's that will out shoot it for less dollars.


New member
I just picked up the same package as Rembrandt. Hanen't shot it yet, have to break it down and give it a good cleaning to get all the assembly lube off it. Sure is a solid feeling gun for the price. Looking forward to sending some downrange, probably tomorrow if the weather cooperates. Couple questions?

1. good source for additional magazines?

2. has anyone tried to remove the "read manual before firing lettering"?