Got Room for 2 Hornady AP's?


New member
Why would you need another press. I reload a lot of different calibers on my LnL and it takes no more than 5 or 6 minutes to swap my plate and dies out.


New member
You haven't heard? Two is always better than one. Now you have a new excuse. :D

Back to reality, my $70 bench-mounted swager is set up to swage as a step in the pocket-prep batch operation. For me trimming is second batch operation. If I had that tool it would actually take more time. adding a third batch operation.

While pocket prep would surely be faster without the swaging part, adding two batch operations together (pocket prep & swaging) would net no speed advantage IMO.

That said, it's an nifty efficient tool, and an option many AP owners will surely choose.
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New member
That looks like a better solution than the GS Custom one for the XL650. The GS Custom solution does not work very well and Dillon will not honor any warranty issues arising from it's use..

Since Hornady came up with this and released it for use with their press, you would think it's safer to use.