Got my youngest Son his first Rifle today.

TX Hunter

New member
Well today I bought my Youngest Son Ethan his first Rifle, and am really excited about starting his Marksmanship training. He did learn the fundimentals about proper gun handeling and general firearms safety with a Daisy Buck BB Gun. Now he has graduated to a brand new Cricket .22 bolt action. He is 7 and the rifle fits him perfect, I really like the idea of teaching him how to shoot with a single shot bolt action.
I loved seeing the look in his eye when we opened the action at the store and let him try it for fit. It took me back to years ago when I finally got to shoot a Rifle. My Oldest Son is the owner of my original .22 Rimfire, so Ethan got a brand new one for himself. I hope and pray that one day he will pass it down to his Son and pass on the tradition.
I will take a few pictures when we go out on our first outing and post them. I had to tease him a bit and ask him if he prefers the pink stock, or the desert tan. He chose the tan, Good Boy. :)


New member
TX Hunter - Good choice on starting with a bolt action, and there is nothing wrong with a single shot. I am sure he will keep the tradition going.


New member
Good job Dad and just in time for a Father's day shoot off. I have my oldest boy's first rifle sitting here in my office waiting until he finishes up first grade to give it to him. Can't wait to see the look on his face.



The single shot bolt action .22 is the only way to go for a first gun. My uncle bought me a Marlin Crown Prince that my 35 year old son will give to his son in a few years. Maybe I was nuts, but I slept with my rifle when I got it for Xmas.
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TX Hunter

New member
I looked this little Rifle over really well, and I think it is well made and ballanced, the price easily puts it in reach of Parents who are wanting to teach a youngster how to operate a firearm safely. My Son wont have to reach and strain to try and fire a full size rifle, this one is small eneough that he can properly aim it. I like how you cock the rifle when your ready to fire.
I will teach him Safety, and he is very excited about the rifle. Already giving him tips about keeping the finger off the triger, and alwayse keep the barrel pointed in a safe direction. He is so proud, He is a very good shot with his BB Gun, I cant wait for him to try this. He is all fired up and ready for action. My Daughtor started with a little Savage bolt action .22 but unfortunately that one has a broke firing pin now, and is a wall hanger. She got the use out of it though, and now she is big eneough to fire a full size .22, a Youth Model .20 gauge and she Deer hunts with a bolt action 30 30.
All three of my Children are Shooters and Hunters. Im proud of that.

My Oldest Son, Austin 16 learned the same way, and now enjoys firing Centerfire Rifles with me, and is quite a Marksman. My Wife enjoys firing a Ruger Single Six Revolver with CB Shorts. We are a family of shooters, life is good.


New member
TX Hunter - There is a lot we don't know regarding how you instruct and teach your kids, but I like what you have posted. You start with a BB gun, move to a .22LR, shotgun is not a 12 Ga. for a starter shotgun and a 30-30 Winchester for starting out on deer hunting. You also look at having a firearm that fits their body. Some good points others may want to consider for kids and new shooters.

TX Hunter

New member
Thanks Discern

I enjoy teaching the children, my wife told me about the bad experiences she had when her Dad introduced her to shooting. It kind of ruined her on that. (He regrets it now, and is more cautious with his grandchildren). So when I started the kids, I decided to start them with firearms they can handle, and let them work their way into more powerfull firearms. (when they are ready) Keeping it fun along the way.
I even have my Wife shooting some now, but even at her age she is a little timid about it, thats why the reduced load in the Ruger. She does have alot of fun with it now, and thats a major improvement from 19 years ago when I married her.

What happened she told me, is that when she was a little Girl, her dad had her shoot a 12 gauge shotgun, and it scared her so bad she never wanted to touch a firearm again. I was started in the same fasion as my Children, and I love firearms. So I figured, If these kids are gonna be a part of the shooting sports, they are gonna have to have a proper introduction. :)


New member
TX Hunter - Sounds like you are on the right approach. I have worked with shooters with the same background of your wife. Unfortunately, these are not isolated cases. I will send you a PM later on a tactic you may want to try with your wife.

TX Hunter

New member
Thanks Guys

We are getting ready for church, but Ethan wanted to fire his Rifle so bad, we went out behind the house away from the other houses, and with a good backstop I let him fire one at a Can, he dead centered it. After Church we are going to go out to the hunting club, and have a shooting session. His Big Brother and Sister as well as Mom are coming with him. Its all about Ethan this afternoon. This is alot of fun.

TX Hunter

New member

Big Brother Austin teaching Ethan how to safely load his Rifle, then Ethan Sending lead down range. He loves his new Rifle.:)
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Very nice. I bought the same rifle for my oldest boy years ago. It has an even shorter trigger pull than most BB guns, and the CB Longs are a perfect starting load. I even started gun safety with my boys before they fired projectiles on plastic electronic toy guns with fake shells. I would love to post the pics, but there's not a single picture I have that will post on this cheap forum. Sorry.:eek:


TX Hunter

New member

My Pictures are just out of a regular Cell Phone, texted to my Email Adress, then Forwarded to Photobucket, Copy the Link code and Paste it.'
I wouldnt know how to do it with real equipment. LOL


New member
Looks like they are having fun and doing it the right way. The only critique I'd have is, where's their eye protection?....gotta keep those eyes safe. :)

TX Hunter

New member

My Bad, I need to get them some Safety Glasses, Big Brother shot his Semi Auto, but had the courtesy to single load it. That way they were both shooting single shots.:)