Got my new toy today


New member
A Beretta 87 Cheetah in .22LR, and I just can't stop playing with it. I've field-strpped it, cleaned it, ordered another magazine for it, well, you get the idea. I'm one happy camper.

I had a Beretta once before, a Jetfire, but it was chambered for .22 short, and not all that useful. I did know that as small as it was, it was premium quality. This one is also top-of-the-line quality. No, it wasn't cheap, but I feel I got what I paid for.

This one has just the right heft and fits my hand like a glove. I can't wait to get to the range or the farm with it.

The last time I was out to my friend's farm, I took a .357 Magnum, and it seems to me I should be able to kill tin cans off a log just as well with my new .22 plinker as the .357 Maggie for a whole lot less.

Mind you, I've already got a couple of other .22s, but this one just tickled my fancy in a big way.


New member
How cool, I'd like to get a Cheetah someday. You may wish to consider one in 380acp next as you have the perfect training gun for it. 22's in combat format are exellent training aids for their relative big bore design like the Sig Mosquito and Colt Ace. In fact thats where I see them having the most value as they arent target guns. But never mind all that. Have fun


New member
Thanks, Timothy75--

The Beretta was strictly for fun. I've got bigger iron should I need it, but this one was just a toy that I couldn't resist. Well, not that an 8-round .22 is exactly a toy, but I think it's going to be great fun.


New member
Those are sooooooooo sweet!

Too bad they're so pricey...

then again,,,if they weren't,,they'd be common place and lose some of the "special" appeal they have.

Lost River

New member
I have always liked the look and feel of that gun. Would you give us an update after shooting it? I would really like a range report!


New member
First test report

I fired one clip through the Beretta out in my garage today (I have a steel .22 bullet trap), ~30'. It was quite accurate (maybe not as much my 6"-barreled Smith target revolver), but this one was just for fun. No FTL or FTE's.

For those who are interested, yes, it was rather pricey. With shipping and FFL transfer fees, it was $650. Like the old axiom goes, you get what you pay for. :)


New member
Skeeter, congrats on the new gun. It doesn't matter about price as long as you are happy with it. If you get a chance post some pictures so we can see your new baby. Again congrats and enjoy.:)


New member

Here's a couple of pix of it.

It's nothing fancy, but I'm luvin' it anyway! It's kind of like having kids, cats, dogs, whatever. You find the beauty in them.


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